Good Health and Florida Physical Therapy Bill Passes House 114 to 0. Elvonda

Good Health and Florida Physical Therapy Bill Passes House 114 to 0. Elvonda - Hallo friends Health Physical Therapy, In the article you read this time with the title Good Health and Florida Physical Therapy Bill Passes House 114 to 0. Elvonda, We have prepared this article for you to read and retrieve information therein. Hopefully the contents of postings Article CS 1228, Article Florida House of Representatives, Article Florida Senate, Article fpta, We write this you can understand. Alright, good read.

Title : Good Health and Florida Physical Therapy Bill Passes House 114 to 0. Elvonda
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Good Health and Florida Physical Therapy Bill Passes House 114 to 0. Elvonda

A committee substitution (CS 1228) passed unanimously through the Florida House of Representatives today for the Florida Physical Therapy Association's (FPTA) Temporary Licensure bill attempting to change the physical therapist practice act.

This is not the final action for this piece of legislation since it still needs to pass the Florida Senate.

Keep up the communication with your local representatives and stay tuned to the FPTA website for up-to-date information on which legislator needs to be contacted for specific committee votes.

Great job from the grassroots so far.

Let's keep it up!

Thus Article Good Health and Florida Physical Therapy Bill Passes House 114 to 0. Elvonda

The article Good Health and Florida Physical Therapy Bill Passes House 114 to 0. Elvonda This time, hopefully can give benefits to all of you. well, see you in posting other articles.

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