By Gusty Thursday, 4 April 2013 2013 FLPTPP conference florida Florida Physical Therapists in Private Practice flptpp private practice Good Health and New Speakers for the 2013 FLPTPP Conference in Orlando!. Elvonda Cash Based Physical Therapy and the new Medicare Functional Reporting regulations are just two of the big topics the Florida Physical Therap...
By Gusty Saturday, 29 September 2012 Copayment reform florida florida physical therapy association fpta Health care costs physical therapist Good Health and Price, not More Visits, Drives Cost Increases in Healthcare. Elvonda Why should you care? Commercial health care costs are going up - does it matter whether price or patient volume is to blame? Yes. The Town ...
By Gusty Saturday, 4 August 2012 2012 florida flptpp physical therapist Good Health and Free Giveaways at 2012 Florida Private Practice Conference. Elvonda The Florida Physical Therapists in Private Practice (FLPTPP) 2012 conference is almost twice as big as last years! But, there's still ro...
By Gusty Monday, 30 April 2012 florida flptpp physical therapists Good Health and Volunteers Needed for Florida Physical Therapists' Committee. Elvonda Florida Physical Therapists in Private Practice (FLPTPP) Call for Volunteers
By Gusty Thursday, 12 April 2012 florida Florida House of Representatives florida physical therapy association Florida Senate Governor Rick Scott physical therapists Physical Therapists Assistants Good Health and Governor Scott signs Physical Therapist/PTA Temporary License Bill into Law. Elvonda Physical Therapists and Physical Therapists Assistants graduating from Florida based PT and PTA programs will be able to obtain temporary li...
By Gusty Tuesday, 27 March 2012 audits cms florida mac Medicare physical therapy physicians RAC Good Health and 12 weeks of Physical Therapy Required By New Medicare Guidelines Prior to Joint Replacement in Florida. Elvonda Medicare has begun to deny hospital charges for total joint replacement surgery IF the surgeon has failed to implement up to 12 weeks of pre...
By Gusty Saturday, 24 March 2012 florida Florida Senate fpta Governor Rick Scott HB 799 physical therapy temporary license Good Health and All Florida Physical Therapists Contact Governor Rick Scott Immediately!!. Elvonda Please contact Governor Rick Scott and request that he sign into law HB 799 by Rep. Tom Goodson and Senator Bill Montford, regarding tempora...
By Gusty Friday, 2 March 2012 American Physical Therapy Association APTA copay copay legislation florida Good Health and The Fight for Fair CoPays in PT in Motion. Elvonda We've addressed physical therapist co-payments on this blog before: Florida CoPay in 2012 Kentucky CoPay in 2011 New York CoPay in 2012...
By Gusty Monday, 6 February 2012 california diet florida healing health injury Good Health and Six Foods to Help You Recover More Quickly after an Injury. Elvonda All-natural, whole foods are the basis of any healthy diet. In addition to providing the nutrients needed for basic health and wellness, the...
By Gusty Tuesday, 31 January 2012 california direct access florida fpta physical therapy temporary license Good Health and California and Florida Physical Therapy Bills Move Forward. Elvonda Physical therapists across the United States have gotten off to a fast start in 2012, as evidenced by two bills moving forward in California...
By Gusty Wednesday, 25 January 2012 florida Florida Physical Therapists in Private Practice flptpp physical therapist Physical Therapy Business Alliance private practice Good Health and Psst! Want a HOT tip? Form your own Physical Therapist Association.... Elvonda All kidding aside, newly formed physical therapist associations seem to be a growth industry lately. Full disclosure, I am on the Board of ...
By Gusty Monday, 23 January 2012 Advocacy florida florida physical therapy association fpta Tallahassee Temporary Licensure Good Health and Florida Temporary Licensure - From a Ripple to a Wave. Elvonda I got my first real taste of the less glorious side of politics when I spent 2009 and 2010 passing out flyers, attending fundraisers, and th...
By Gusty Saturday, 21 January 2012 Charles Krauthhamer florida florida physical therapy association fpta physical therapist assistants physical therapists Washington Post Good Health and Why Politics Is Important to Physical Therapists. Elvonda Congratulations to Eric Chaconas, DPT of the Florida Government Affairs Committee and and Scott Harp, PhD Vice President of the Florida Phys...
By Gusty Tuesday, 10 January 2012 2012 Florida Legislative session florida Florida Senate physical therapists Good Health and Florida Legislative Session Opens Today!. Elvonda Florida physical therapists get ready to lobby! The start of the 2012 Florida Legislative session is today, January 10th, 2012. Physical the...