By Gusty Wednesday, 20 April 2016 Care Management cms CPC Medical Home Medicare Medicare Comprehensive Primary Care Initiative Patient Centered Medical Home primary care Good Health and Medicare's Comprehensive Primary Care Initiative - A Two Year Report. Elvonda After all the buzz ( for example ) around the coming launch of CMS' Comprehensive Primary Care " Plus " program , the New En...
By Gusty Thursday, 4 September 2014 Care Management Health Insurance Machines The Economist Underwriting Good Health and Underwriting vs. Care Management. Elvonda Rock on, care management In the course of learning about care management , the Population Health Blog has benefitted from sitting at the fee...
By Gusty Thursday, 14 August 2014 Care Management New England Journal of Medicine Good Health and 17 Reasons Why Care Management Is Probably Not Going To Be in a Clinic Near You Anytime Soon. Elvonda Here's a good review of all the reasons why care management has not become a routine part of patient care. As policymakers, reformists...
By Gusty Wednesday, 13 August 2014 Care Management New England Journal of Medicine Good Health and The Just Right "Sweet Middle" of Care Management. Elvonda Finding the "just right" middle If you're interested in care management (definition here ), there's a supportive case repo...
By Gusty Wednesday, 23 July 2014 Care Management chronic pain JAMA telephony Good Health and Care Management: What a Bargain. Elvonda They did it again! Sound familiar? Patients' intake into the program was initiated with a face-to face meeting with a nurse care manager...