By Gusty Wednesday, 22 July 2015 ACCOUNTABLE CARE ORGANIZATIONS aco Bundled Payment Capitation Physician Compensation primary care Good Health and Are Primary Care Physicians (PCPs) Important to ACO Success? Payment Arrangements Say Otherwise. Elvonda Long ago, the Population Health Blog learned that when it comes to health insurance, capitation or bundled payments brakes , while fee-for s...
By Gusty Thursday, 26 March 2015 ACCOUNTABLE CARE ORGANIZATIONS aco concierge medicine Direct Primary Care Health Reform Medical Home Medical Home Summit PCMH Good Health and Health Policy Insights from the Medical Home Summit: Wellness, ACOs. Elvonda The Opening Ceremony of The Medical Home Summit The Population Health Blog is back home after attending the intellectually rewarding Populat...
By Gusty Tuesday, 10 February 2015 ACCOUNTABLE CARE ORGANIZATIONS aco ACOs Integrated Delivery Systems More Mobility Mentality Moses Naim Power The End of Power Good Health and The End of Power Health Care?. Elvonda Corporate titans enjoying the good old days. While Moses Naim's The End of Power devotes only a few pages to medicine, it's still p...
By Gusty Thursday, 6 September 2012 ACCOUNTABLE CARE ORGANIZATIONS aco blood pressure hypertension Medicare audit physical therapy primary care providers skilled physical therapy Good Health and Taking Routine Blood Pressures in the Physical Therapy Clinic. Elvonda Physical therapists should be taking routine blood pressures in the physical therapy clinic. We have evidence that physical therapists don...
By Gusty Thursday, 14 June 2012 Accountable Care Organization aco Medicare physical therapists Good Health and Medicare ACOs Grow 38% in Six Months. Elvonda Physical Therapists are keenly interested in the possibility of Medicare Accountable Care Organizations (ACO). Private practice and corporat...
By Gusty Friday, 13 April 2012 ACCOUNTABLE CARE ORGANIZATIONS aco cms Medicare Shared Savings Program Good Health and 27 New Medicare Accountable Care Organizations Open April 1st, 2012. Elvonda NEW AFFORDABLE CARE ACT PROGRAM TO IMPROVE CARE, CONTROL MEDICARE COSTS, OFF TO A STRONG START OVER 1.1 MILLION BENEFICIARIES NOW SERVED BY...
By Gusty Friday, 20 January 2012 aco Congressional Budget Office Fee-for-Service Medicare demonstration projects physical therapists Value-Based purchasing Good Health and Value-based Healthcare Does NOT Reduce Medicare Spending. Elvonda The blog of the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) announced yesterday that 30 years of Medicare demonstration projects have failed to show ...