By Gusty Saturday, 24 August 2013 Cardiovascular Damage Extreme Endurance Exercise physical therapists Sudden death Good Health and Cardiovascular Damage From Extreme Endurance Exercise . Elvonda This post is a slight rest from policy and reimbursement issue for physical therapists on this blog. I include this 21-minute video by card...
By Gusty Sunday, 21 July 2013 CNF-HIMSS electronic medical records Florida Hospital Association Florida House of Representatives Medicaid physical therapists Good Health and Why Physical Therapists Should Care About Interoperability. Elvonda I just got back from the 2013 Florida Perspectives: Transforming Healthcare through Health Information Technology on Friday, July 19th, 3013...
By Gusty Saturday, 11 May 2013 American Physical Therapy Association medical necessity Medicare physical therapists RAC Recovery Audit Contractor Good Health and RAC Activity Increasing, But Will They Hit Physical Therapists?. Elvonda New data seems to show the Recovery Audit Contractor program is increasing its denial of claims by providers. Physical therapist managers w...
By Gusty Tuesday, 22 January 2013 Functional Reporting Medicare OPTIMAL scale physical therapists risk-adjusted outcomes Good Health and This is Only a Test.... Elvonda Functional Reporting for Medicare in 2013 is only a test. If Functional Reporting were true outcomes reporting physical therapists would nee...
By Gusty Friday, 12 October 2012 Open Notes OpenNotes physical therapists physical therapy physical therapy notes Good Health and The Incredible Opacity of Physical Therapy. Elvonda There is no setting more opaque than physical therapy. Not cardiology. Not orthopedics. Not family practice. Many consumers don't even ...
By Gusty Thursday, 13 September 2012 copayment legislation fpta medicare compliance Outcome Questionnaires physical therapists private practice Good Health and Town Hall Meeting Provokes Excitement. Elvonda The Town Hall at 5:30pm on Thursday, September 13, 2012 at the FPTA Annual Conference & Assembly of Representatives in Daytona Beach was...
By Gusty Wednesday, 12 September 2012 Daniel Wopert Lower Back Pain physical therapists Good Health and Why We Have Brains. Elvonda Neuroscientist Daniel Wopert suggests that human brains evolved for ONE REASON ONLY. To control movement: Not thinking, not reasoning, no...
By Gusty Tuesday, 11 September 2012 affordable care act American Physical Therapy Association APTA direct access physical therapists Uwe Reinhardt Good Health and Is there a physician shortage in America?. Elvonda Uwe Reinhardt is an economics professor at Princeton and former keynote speaker at the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) Annual C...
By Gusty Thursday, 9 August 2012 physical therapists private practice physical therapists Good Health and Private Practice Physical Therapists' Continuing Education. Elvonda Click the image to get continuing education for Private Practice Physical Therapists: See you in Orlando!
By Gusty Tuesday, 31 July 2012 American Medical Association physical therapists physician physiotherapists prescribing Good Health and British Physical Therapists Gain Prescribing Rights. Elvonda "This is a truly historic day..." The 51,000 British physical therapists (physiotherapists) can now become trained to independentl...
By Gusty Friday, 20 July 2012 Doctors of physical therapy Marcus Welby Outpatient Physical Therapists physical therapists physicians private practice Good Health and Marcus Welby is Dead. Elvonda "It's the death knoll of the private practice..." said Kurt Mosley, vice president of strategic lliances for Merritt Hawkins ...
By Gusty Tuesday, 17 July 2012 excessive imaging physical therapists x-ray Good Health and How to Tell Your Patient Their MRI is Unneccesary. Elvonda Thanks to EIM faculty member Dr. Jason R. Rodeghero for this fun, thought-provoking video. Physical therapists can educate their patients ...
By Gusty Monday, 16 July 2012 fpta FPTA Annual conference New Graduate Physical Therapists physical therapists private practice Good Health and How to Open a Private Practice in line with APTA's Vision 2020. Elvonda Intended for Physical Therapists new to Private Practice! This course presents an introduction for healthcare professionals looking to open...
By Gusty Thursday, 14 June 2012 Accountable Care Organization aco Medicare physical therapists Good Health and Medicare ACOs Grow 38% in Six Months. Elvonda Physical Therapists are keenly interested in the possibility of Medicare Accountable Care Organizations (ACO). Private practice and corporat...
By Gusty Wednesday, 13 June 2012 Chartered Society of Physiotherapy Great Britain physical therapists Rehabilitation spinal manipulation therapists vertebral artery Good Health and Should Physical Therapists Stop Manipulating the Cervical Spine?. Elvonda The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (Great Britain) posted this announcement on June 8, 2012: Stop spinal manipulation for neck pain, war...
By Gusty Thursday, 7 June 2012 algorithms clinical decision support electronic medical records EMR physical therapists treatment based classification Good Health and Are Patients Protected from Healthcare Algorithms?. Elvonda Physical therapists are considering algorithms, such as Treatment Based Classification , to help improve patient care. But, according to ...
By Gusty Friday, 1 June 2012 cardiovascular and diabetes risk factors exercise physical therapists PT Journal Good Health and Adverse Reponse to Exercise: Rare or Common?. Elvonda We just don't know. This study Adverse Metabolic Response to Regular Exercise: Is It a Rare or Common Occurrence? was reported in PLoS...
By Gusty Monday, 28 May 2012 licensing and credentialing Medicare outpatient physical therapists Physical therapy journal readmissions telemedicine Good Health and Telehealth Potential Remains, Trapped by Regulations and Licensure Barriers. Elvonda Dr. Alan Lee's Perspective article in the December 2011 Physical Therapy journal offers hope tempered with a dose of pragmatic reality ...
By Gusty Thursday, 17 May 2012 AthletiCo Focus on Therapeutic Outcomes FOTO physical therapists Good Health and FOTO and AthletiCo Proudly Show Physical Therapy Outcomes Tool. Elvonda From AthletiCo and Focus on Therapeutic Outcomes (FOTO). This is an excellent demonstration of where all physical therapists are heading - t...
By Gusty Friday, 11 May 2012 Advanced Registered Nurse Practicioners arnp Institute of Medicine physical therapists physician shortage in America physicians primary care providers scope of practice Good Health and Direct Access to Physical Therapists Can Reduce the Physician Shortage. Elvonda Think physical therapists have it rough because our patients don't have direct access to our services? State laws preventing direct acce...