By Gusty Thursday, 14 July 2016 conflicts of interest Gates Foundation Genentech Gilead global health health care foundations Hepatitis C Sovaldi Good Health and Abort, Retry, Fail - Billionaire Bill Gates Opines, Sans Evidence, on ... the Efficacy of Hepatitis C Treatment?. Elvonda If you needed advice about the technical characteristics of computer operating systems you probably would not go to your doctor for it. So ...
By Gusty Wednesday, 29 June 2016 boards of trustees conflicts of interest executive compensation hospital systems hospitals perverse incentives Good Health and Still No Questions Asked - Journalists Fail to Challenge Talking Points Used to Justify Million Dollar Plus Executive Compensation at New York Non-Profit Hospitals. Elvonda It's deja vu all over again. I even get to reuse the introduction of a post from one month ago. As I wrote in May, 2016 ,... The probl...
By Gusty Friday, 3 June 2016 conflicts of interest guidelines Institute of Medicine institutional conflicts of interest Good Health and Clinical Practice Guidelines: Still Conflicted After All These Years. Elvonda Background: Untrustworthy Clinical Practice Guidelines Since the 1990s, clinicians have been exhorted to follow clinical practice guidelines...
By Gusty Thursday, 26 May 2016 conflicts of interest NIH Partners Healthcare revolving doors Good Health and Are You Ready for Some (Political) Football? - the NFL, Concussion Research, the NIH, and the Revolving Door. Elvonda Probably because it involved the favorite American sport, the controversy about the risk of concussions to professional National Football Le...
By Gusty Sunday, 15 May 2016 anechoic effect boards of trustees conflicts of interest hospital systems RWJ Barnabas Health UMDNJ Good Health and New Jersey Confidential: the Almost Secret Membership of the RWJ Barnabas Health Board. Elvonda A Hospital System Tries to Hide its Board of Trustees The US Internal Revenue Service mandates disclosure of the membership of boards of tru...
By Gusty Thursday, 31 March 2016 anechoic effect conflicts of interest deception health care corruption legal settlements marketing narcotics OxyContin Purdue Pharma Good Health and What You See Is Not What You Get - Purdue Pharma Executives Pleaded Guilty, but the Oxycontin Billionaires Went Unnoticed. Elvonda What you see if often not what you get. Nine years ago, three top executives of Purdue Pharma pleaded guilty to criminal charges of ...