By Gusty Tuesday, 12 July 2016 affordable care act healthcare reform JAMA ObamaCare President Obama Good Health and President Obama Writes About Health Care Reform in JAMA. Elvonda All aboard! In a first for the Journal of the American Medical Association (" JAMA "), President Obama has authored a Special Com...
By Gusty Wednesday, 8 July 2015 Aetna affordable care act Anthem Cigna Commercial Health Insurance Health Reform Humana ObamaCare Scott Gottlieb Wall Street Journal Good Health and Three Downsides to Commercial Health Insurer Consolidation. Elvonda Writing in The Wall Street Journal , Scott Gottlieb argues that the Aetna-Humana and the Anthem-Cigna combinations are evidence of waning in...
By Gusty Wednesday, 4 February 2015 ABIM American Board of Internal Medicine Corvair Health Reform Maintenance of Certification MOC Obama ObamaCare Good Health and Maintenance of Certification (MOC) Update: A Health Reform Lesson. Elvonda The 1967 Corvair. A non-PHB version Long ago, when the Population Health Blog was courting the future PHB spouse, our unspoken understanding...
By Gusty Tuesday, 11 November 2014 Health care costs health cost inflation Health Insurance New England Journal of Medicine ObamaCare Good Health and Rising Healthcare Costs: Delayed or Defeated?. Elvonda Ready, set...... According to this just-published New England Journal article , analysts are still waiting for the twin forces of 1) an imp...
By Gusty Thursday, 24 July 2014 Gallup-Healthways Survey New England Journal of Medicine ObamaCare Uninsured Good Health and Credble Numbers on Obamacare: And Why is the 16.3% Prevalence of Persons Without Health Insurance Good News?. Elvonda The signed Affordable Care Act We finally have some credible numbers on what's happened to insurance enrollment under Obamacare. The pap...
By Gusty Wednesday, 25 June 2014 ACA affordable care act American Enterprise Institute Health Reform Henry Aaron IRS Joseph Antos New England Journal of Medicine ObamaCare Good Health and A Path Toward Further Health Reform Is Lined With the IRS?. Elvonda As attention has shifted to phantom IRS emails, misbehaving Iraqis and our newfound national awareness of soccer's off-side rule, it...
By Gusty Wednesday, 4 June 2014 healthcare reform ObamaCare Open Enrollment Good Health and Looking Ahead to the Second Enrollment Wave of Obamacare This Fall. Elvonda Big or small? The latest just-published edition of Health Affairs has a sobering reminder written by Tricia Brooks (" Open Enrollment,...
By Gusty Tuesday, 23 July 2013 #PPSFlyIn American Physical Therapy Association Medicare cuts Medicare Physician Payment Innovation Act ObamaCare physical therapy sgr Good Health and Sustainable Growth Rate Replacement On Sale at the #PPSFlyIn !. Elvonda Like treasure-seekers at a sidewalk scavenger sale physical therapists can get a little excited about the potential for meaningful Medicare ...