By Gusty Wednesday, 17 June 2015 cms health care prices Medicare pharmaceuticals regulatory capture revolving doors trade policy US Trade Representative Good Health and The US' Multinational Trade Negotiations - Trading Away Its Own and Other Countries' Current and Future Restraints on Drug Prices?. Elvonda Trade Agreements More about Deregulation than Trade International trade negotiations, especially their more technical aspects, seem far remo...
By Gusty Thursday, 14 May 2015 AbbeVie Abbott anechoic effect corporatism Eli Lilly global health health care prices Pfizer PhRMA regulatory capture revolving doors US Trade Representative Good Health and All the President's Trade Negotiators - Revolving Doors, Regulatory Capture, and Health Care Corporate Friendly Trade Agreements. Elvonda This week's spectacle in Washington, DC was a nearly unanimous Democratic minority in the Senate blocking a proposal for expedited consi...
By Gusty Sunday, 3 May 2015 conflicts of interest health care corruption hospital systems pharmaceuticals regulatory capture Good Health and Innovations form the Safra Center Ending iCorruption Conference. Elvonda I had the pleasure of attending the Ending iCorruption Conference , the capstone conference for the Edmond J Safra Research Lab on Instituti...