By Gusty Thursday, 27 August 2015 Big Data EHR Electronic Records JAMA Good Health and "Fusing" Randomized Clinical Trials and Big Data: Another Value Proposition for Population Health?. Elvonda Randomized controlled trials are the crown jewel of clinical research. By allocating patients to one of two or more treatment protocols (o...
By Gusty Thursday, 5 April 2012 EHR EMR Mobile or handheld computing PHR physical therapist Physical therapists documentation SOAP notes Good Health and Don't Spend Big Bucks on a New EMR... until you read this!. Elvonda This new article, published in Advance for Physical Therapists April 3rd, 2012, shows you the future of Electronic Medical Records (EMR) in ...
By Gusty Friday, 9 March 2012 EHR Electronic Health Record Farzad Mostashari Health Affairs Meaningful Use ONC HIT Good Health and Federal Agency Chief Rebuts Findings That Show EHR May Lead to Increased Diagnostic Imaging. Elvonda Just one day after the Health Affairs article that showed an association between physicians' Electronic Health Record (EHR) use and inc...
By Gusty Tuesday, 6 March 2012 diagnostic imaging EHR Electronic Health Records physicians Good Health and Electronic Health Records May INCREASE Uitilization of Diagnostic Imaging. Elvonda Contrary to the notion that Electronic Health Records (EHR) will lower spending a new study in the March Health Affairs found a 40% to 70% I...
By Gusty Thursday, 23 February 2012 EHR iphone Office of National Coordinator of Health Indormation Technology ONC HIT PHR Physical Therapy Apps Good Health and Physical Therapy Apps. Elvonda The physical therapy application marketplace is growing. The iPhone is just the first mobile platform where consumer apps really exploded. ...
By Gusty Wednesday, 15 February 2012 American Physical Therapy Association APTA EHR Electronic Health Records Good Health and New Electronic Health Records Toolkit available from the APTA. Elvonda An Electronic Health Records (EHR) adoption toolkit is now available at the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) website. Member lo...