By Gusty Tuesday, 12 June 2012 clinical decision support clinician decision HiMSS physical therapist TBC treatment based classification Good Health and Treatment Based Classification: Where Does it Fit In?. Elvonda A recent webinar from the Healthcare Information Management Systems Society ( HiMSS ) called Improving Care with Predictive Analytics: The N...
By Gusty Thursday, 7 June 2012 algorithms clinical decision support electronic medical records EMR physical therapists treatment based classification Good Health and Are Patients Protected from Healthcare Algorithms?. Elvonda Physical therapists are considering algorithms, such as Treatment Based Classification , to help improve patient care. But, according to ...
By Gusty Friday, 13 January 2012 Bulletproof Expert Systems clinical decision support Medicare audit Outpatient Setting physical therapist assistants physical therapists Good Health and New Book on Clinical Decision Support in Physical Therapy. Elvonda The new book is finally done! Bulletproof Expert Systems began in 2006 when myself and six other physical therapists and physical therapis...