By Gusty Thursday, 12 November 2015 CEO disease deception legal settlements Medtronic mission-hostile management Good Health and "Dreaming On" - The Illusions of the Leaders of Large Health Organizations, as Illustrated by Medtronic's Founder. Elvonda On Health Care Renewal , we have posted story after story about amazingly well paid leaders of big organizations presiding over amazingly b...
By Gusty Wednesday, 8 April 2015 anechoic effect deception fraud impunity kickbacks legal settlements Mark Leavitt Medtronic Victor Dzau Good Health and Three More Settlements by Medtronic of Allegations of Deceptive Behavior, but No Umpire Says "You're Out". Elvonda Medtronic, the giant, previously US based device maker settled three lawsuits, all alleging deceptive practices, over three months in early ...
By Gusty Monday, 2 March 2015 CDC cms corporatism Covidien DHHS Medtronic Merck ONC revolving doors UnitedHealth Good Health and Turn, Turn, Turn - Another Health Care Revolving Door Update. Elvonda It has been a while since our last revolving door update , so it's time to take another spin. Summary of the Revolving Door Phenomenon B...
By Gusty Thursday, 5 February 2015 conflicts of interest cross fire executive compensation Medtronic Norton Healthcare public relations spine surgeons Good Health and Outsize Compensation for "Teflon-Coated" Executives - After Many Lawsuits and Negative News Stories, Norton Healthcare Executives Still Get Millions. Elvonda In an earlier era of chemistry, politicians who continued to acquire votes while shedding doubts, criticisms, and allegations were called ...
By Gusty Wednesday, 6 February 2013 BMP Bone Graft Complications Failed back surgery Medtronic Spinal fusions Good Health and Spinal Fusions and Bone Graft Complications. Elvonda Spinal Fusions and Bone Graft Complications In the United States, a growing number of people suffer from debilitating back pain from degen...