By Gusty Sunday, 16 August 2015 Abbott Celgene mission-hostile management Pfizer Sanofi-Aventis Steward Health Care tobacco US Chamber of Commerce WellPoint Good Health and With 10 Health Care Executives on it Board, US Chamber of Commerce Defends Big Tobacco Abroad. Elvonda Tobacco , especially smoked in cigarettes, is generally recognized by health care professionals as having health hazards that greatly outwei...
By Gusty Thursday, 14 May 2015 AbbeVie Abbott anechoic effect corporatism Eli Lilly global health health care prices Pfizer PhRMA regulatory capture revolving doors US Trade Representative Good Health and All the President's Trade Negotiators - Revolving Doors, Regulatory Capture, and Health Care Corporate Friendly Trade Agreements. Elvonda This week's spectacle in Washington, DC was a nearly unanimous Democratic minority in the Senate blocking a proposal for expedited consi...