By Gusty Wednesday, 6 July 2016 APTA mary jo davenport opryland physical therapy saint louis university Good Health and SLU PT Faculty Joins the NEXT Annual Physical Therapy Conference & Exposition in Nashville. Elvonda The APTA's NEXT Conference and Exposition, held this year in Nashville at the Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Center, offered p...
By Gusty Wednesday, 19 August 2015 pediatric occupational therapy physical education physical therapy self regulation Good Health and Listen, Follow and Move. Elvonda Purpose: Encourage listening skills, following motor commands, self regulation skills and left right directions. Materials: small object i...
By Gusty Tuesday, 22 October 2013 American Physical Therapy Association electronic medical record EMR outcome physical therapy technology WebPT Good Health and Can EMRs Improve the Physical Therapy Experience?. Elvonda "With great power comes great responsibility", quoted Heidi Jannenga, PT, MPT, ATC/L at the WebPT Evolve meeting in Orlando, Flo...
By Gusty Tuesday, 13 August 2013 American Physical Therapy Association APTA medicare reimbursement physical therapy Sustainable Growth Rate therapy cap Good Health and What has the American Physical Therapy Association done for you lately?. Elvonda Patient stories... Physical therapists hear these stories every day but the APTA is helping to put patient stories where they will do some ...
By Gusty Tuesday, 23 July 2013 #PPSFlyIn American Physical Therapy Association Medicare cuts Medicare Physician Payment Innovation Act ObamaCare physical therapy sgr Good Health and Sustainable Growth Rate Replacement On Sale at the #PPSFlyIn !. Elvonda Like treasure-seekers at a sidewalk scavenger sale physical therapists can get a little excited about the potential for meaningful Medicare ...
By Gusty Thursday, 11 April 2013 Chana Joffe-Walt disability in America disability system physical therapy This American Life Good Health and Physical Therapists and America's Disability System. Elvonda Thanks to Adam Rufa, PT at for pointing our attention to the This American Life episode on March 22nd, 2013 called Tre...
By Gusty Saturday, 9 February 2013 cloning documentation electronic medical records G-codes physical therapist physical therapy physical therapy notes PT notes Severity Modifiers SOAP Good Health and 'Blow Up' Physical Therapy Documentation, too. Elvonda Hate G-codes? Think the Severity Modifier are a waste of your time? Dr. Halamka shares your pain: "The way we document in medicine ha...
By Gusty Thursday, 13 December 2012 Federal Quality Reporting Outcomes Questionnaires physical therapy PQRS Good Health and Live Functional Outcomes Webinar Now at Elvonda How to Effectively Use Outcomes Questionnaires for Federal Quality Reporting, Better Productivity and Better Outcomes is a recorded webinar...
By Gusty Sunday, 9 December 2012 Center for Medicare Advocacy Improvement Standard maintenance therapy medically necessary physical therapy Good Health and Patients Win! Maintenance Therapy Settlement Gets Preliminarily Approval!. Elvonda Physical therapists' patients can take cheer this holiday season, nestled all snug their beds, with the knowledge that Maintenance Thera...
By Gusty Tuesday, 23 October 2012 Center for Medicare Advocacy Improvement Standard maintenance only maintenance therapy Medicare coverage physical therapy Good Health and Maintenance #PhysicalTherapy Paid by Medicare?. Elvonda This may be the biggest change to Medicare affecting physical therapists since the March 23rd, 2010 passage of the Patient Protection and Af...
By Gusty Monday, 22 October 2012 mobile app mobile devices physical therapy Video documentation Good Health and Medical Apps for Physical Therapy. Elvonda Video documentation of the physical therapy note is the future and the iPhone is the logical choice for the clinical handset. Several apps h...
By Gusty Sunday, 14 October 2012 First Coast Service Option manual medical review Occupational Therapy physical therapy pre-approval of therapy prepayment review Good Health and Important reminders before completing the pre-approval of therapy services form. Elvonda First Coast Service Options ' (First Coast�s) Medical Review department is returning a high volume of pre-approval requests for therapy ...
By Gusty Friday, 12 October 2012 Open Notes OpenNotes physical therapists physical therapy physical therapy notes Good Health and The Incredible Opacity of Physical Therapy. Elvonda There is no setting more opaque than physical therapy. Not cardiology. Not orthopedics. Not family practice. Many consumers don't even ...
By Gusty Thursday, 6 September 2012 ACCOUNTABLE CARE ORGANIZATIONS aco blood pressure hypertension Medicare audit physical therapy primary care providers skilled physical therapy Good Health and Taking Routine Blood Pressures in the Physical Therapy Clinic. Elvonda Physical therapists should be taking routine blood pressures in the physical therapy clinic. We have evidence that physical therapists don...
By Gusty Friday, 17 August 2012 Florida Physical Therapists' in Private Practice flptpp high copayments physical therapy south dakota Good Health and Legislative Meeting Kicks Off FLPTPP 2012. Elvonda The Florida Physical Therapists' in Private Practice (FLPTPP) Legislative Committee Meeting kicks off the 2nd Annual FLPTPP Conference t...
By Gusty Friday, 10 August 2012 Health Information Technology physical therapy Good Health and Physical Therapy and Health Information Technology. Elvonda Physical therapy shown at 1:42 .
By Gusty 03:03 American Medical Association American Physical Therapy Association physical therapy physicians Good Health and Why Physical Therapists Should Make Diagnoses. Elvonda "Physical therapy is not a subspecialty of the medical profession and physical therapists are not medical doctors; we are a separate pr...
By Gusty Tuesday, 10 July 2012 florida physical therapy association fpta key contacts physical therapy Temporary Licensure Good Health and Florida Physical Therapists Wanted to Speak to Legislators. Elvonda The Key Contacts program of the Florida Physical Therapy Association (FPTA) is designed to put a physical therapist (PT) or physical therapi...
By Gusty Saturday, 16 June 2012 documentation Medicare physical medicine and rehabilitation physicians physical therapy Plan of Care therapy services Good Health and Physical medicine and rehabilitation physicians targeted in probe of therapy services. Elvonda First Coast Service Options Inc. (FCSO) conducted a widespread probe (WSP) review in response to an aberrant billing pattern for CPT codes a...
By Gusty Saturday, 2 June 2012 Advance for Physical Therapy physical therapy PT clinic PT in Motion The Future of Physical Therapy Good Health and The Future of Physical Therapy. Elvonda "The future is already here - its just not evenly distributed" William Gibson's most famous (and over-quoted) quote. He also c...