By Gusty Thursday, 7 April 2016 affordable care act Apple CDC Dual Eligibles eHealth Health Savings Accounts Health Wonk Review HSAs Influenza mHealth Minimum Wage OxyContin pharma Purdue Pharmaceuticals readmissions Good Health and A Presidential Politics-Free Health Wonk Review. Elvonda Welcome to the Health Wonk Review, a compendium of the latest insights from more than two dozen health policy blogs. Each HWR issue is hoste...
By Gusty Thursday, 17 March 2016 innovation mHealth Performance Frontier Good Health and Busting Through the Healthcare Performance Frontier. Elvonda Breakthrough! The costs of business performance - for example, customer delight, reputational excellence, high worker satisfaction, workpl...
By Gusty Monday, 4 January 2016 Apps health apps Health Information Technology HIT JAMA McKinsey mHealth WHO World Health Organization Good Health and 2016 is the Breakout Year for mHealth: Savings vs. Value. Elvonda In this post, the Population Health Blog predicts how and why mHealth will be covered by more commercial health insurers in 2016, and why th...
By Gusty Thursday, 5 March 2015 handhelds health apps mHealth Good Health and The Iron Triangle of mHealth Apps Due Diligence: What CEOs and Boards Need to Know. Elvonda As the Population Health Blog's medSolis CMO expertise in mHealth expands, it can't help but admire the infectious "can-do...
By Gusty Monday, 16 February 2015 health apps mHealth Good Health and mHealth Apps to Monitor Recently Discharged Patients. Elvonda After knee surgery: how do you monitor this patient at home? The "this paper" link in the original post directed readers to the wr...
By Gusty Monday, 26 January 2015 chronic conditions health apps mHealth Good Health and Either You Give Your Patients a mHealth App, or They'll Get One Themselves. Elvonda That's what the Population Health Blog learned after reading this research paper by Bauer and colleagues that recently appeared in the...
By Gusty Thursday, 22 January 2015 fda health apps mHealth Good Health and Could mHealth Apps Be a Reprise of the EHR? The Need for Clinician Input. Elvonda While the Population Health Blog continues to delight in the emerging science of "mHealth" as a newly minted start-up Chief Medic...