By Gusty Friday, 12 August 2016 New England Journal of Medicine Return on Investment ROI Good Health and The Lament About the Healthcare "Return on Investment". Elvonda The Population Health Blog had time to go back and review this New England Journal article on "return on investment" in healthcar...
By Gusty Sunday, 20 March 2016 Cancer fda logical fallacies New England Journal of Medicine Partners Healthcare Good Health and There They Go Again - the New England Medical Journal Publishes another Rant, this Time about Power Morcellation. Elvonda In 2015, we noted ( here and here ) that the New England Journal of Medicine seemed to have been reduced to publishing rants about "ph...
By Gusty Thursday, 19 November 2015 conflicts of interest fda medical journals NEJM New England Journal of Medicine revolving doors Good Health and What Revolving Door? - An Unprecedented Endorsement of a Political Appointment by the "Gold Standard" Medical Journal. Elvonda An Unprecedented Endorsement It's deja vu all over again. In the spring of 2015, the New England Journal, the most prestigious US medi...
By Gusty Friday, 26 June 2015 Community Health Workers New England Journal of Medicine Good Health and The Potential of Community Health Workers (CHWs). Elvonda He was among the highest. Utilizers of healthcare services, that is. I had the pleasure of talking to a physician who is leading a group of...
By Gusty Tuesday, 2 June 2015 conflicts of interest NEJM New England Journal of Medicine propaganda surveys Good Health and Say It Ain't So, Again - a "Push Poll" to Minimize the Hazards of Conflicts of Interest the New England Journal of Medicine?. Elvonda The New England Journal of Medicine recently published a remarkable series of apologiae for conflicts of interest,(1-4) about which we have ...
By Gusty Sunday, 17 May 2015 conflicts of interest New England Journal of Medicine pharmaceuticals Good Health and BLOGSCAN - New England Journal of Medicine Scoffs at "Pharmascolds" . Elvonda The venerable New England Journal of Medicine has now published an editorial,(1) and two commentaries(2-3), with one more promised, hailing ...
By Gusty Tuesday, 11 November 2014 Health care costs health cost inflation Health Insurance New England Journal of Medicine ObamaCare Good Health and Rising Healthcare Costs: Delayed or Defeated?. Elvonda Ready, set...... According to this just-published New England Journal article , analysts are still waiting for the twin forces of 1) an imp...
By Gusty Monday, 25 August 2014 Medical Home Medicare New England Journal of Medicine Partnership for Patients Program Patient Centered Medical Home Good Health and CMS Succumbs to Disease Management Style Spin?. Elvonda If, thanks to the medical home or disease management, you've witnessed the improvements in patients' care, you've also probably ...
By Gusty Thursday, 14 August 2014 Care Management New England Journal of Medicine Good Health and 17 Reasons Why Care Management Is Probably Not Going To Be in a Clinic Near You Anytime Soon. Elvonda Here's a good review of all the reasons why care management has not become a routine part of patient care. As policymakers, reformists...
By Gusty Wednesday, 13 August 2014 Care Management New England Journal of Medicine Good Health and The Just Right "Sweet Middle" of Care Management. Elvonda Finding the "just right" middle If you're interested in care management (definition here ), there's a supportive case repo...
By Gusty Thursday, 24 July 2014 Gallup-Healthways Survey New England Journal of Medicine ObamaCare Uninsured Good Health and Credble Numbers on Obamacare: And Why is the 16.3% Prevalence of Persons Without Health Insurance Good News?. Elvonda The signed Affordable Care Act We finally have some credible numbers on what's happened to insurance enrollment under Obamacare. The pap...
By Gusty Wednesday, 9 July 2014 defined benefit Defined contribution New England Journal of Medicine Good Health and Here Comes Defined Contribution: Implications for Population Health. Elvonda "Here they come!" Regular Population Health Blog readers understand that defined benefit insurance plans provide for the future...
By Gusty Wednesday, 25 June 2014 ACA affordable care act American Enterprise Institute Health Reform Henry Aaron IRS Joseph Antos New England Journal of Medicine ObamaCare Good Health and A Path Toward Further Health Reform Is Lined With the IRS?. Elvonda As attention has shifted to phantom IRS emails, misbehaving Iraqis and our newfound national awareness of soccer's off-side rule, it...
By Gusty Thursday, 5 June 2014 Big Data New England Journal of Medicine Propensity Matching Good Health and More Big Insights on Big Data. Elvonda Given the data, what are her chances of getting breast cancer? Unable to sate its big appetite for big data insights, the Population Health ...
By Gusty Thursday, 22 May 2014 ABIM American Board of Internal Medicine Annals Internal Medicine Board Certification Maintenance of Certification MOC New England Journal of Medicine Good Health and Maintenance of Certification in Internal Medicine: What the Population Health Community Needs to Know. Elvonda Since population health provider organizations work closely with physicians, they're aware that " board certification " is an ...