By Gusty Wednesday, 25 May 2016 DTC lab testing Health Insurance Medicare SEC Theranos Good Health and Pricing, Product and Audience: Theranos and DTC Blood Testing. Elvonda Is the Population Health Blog due for a meal of humble pie? In this prior post , the PHB was "long" on Theranos' prospects. S...
By Gusty Wednesday, 20 April 2016 Care Management cms CPC Medical Home Medicare Medicare Comprehensive Primary Care Initiative Patient Centered Medical Home primary care Good Health and Medicare's Comprehensive Primary Care Initiative - A Two Year Report. Elvonda After all the buzz ( for example ) around the coming launch of CMS' Comprehensive Primary Care " Plus " program , the New En...
By Gusty Friday, 26 February 2016 Apps Elizabeth Holmes Future Futurism health apps Health Information Technology HIT Medicare Meghan McCain Predictions Theranos Good Health and The Personalized Healthcare Ecosystem of the Future: Welcome to the Year 2030. Elvonda Against your better judgment, you've just checked your contact lens-enabled news feed . You're annoyed, because President Meghan McC...
By Gusty Wednesday, 3 February 2016 Medical Home Medicare Patient Centered Medical Home Patient Centered Primary Care Collaborative PCMH PCPCC Good Health and An Update on the Evidence of the Impact of the Patient Centered Medical Home on Cost and Quality: Of Soup and Weather Vanes . Elvonda In its work with a variety of payer and provider customers, the Population Health Blog has advised that primary care medical home planning i...
By Gusty Tuesday, 13 October 2015 ACCOUNTABLE CARE ORGANIZATIONS cms Community Health Network Entira Family Clinics HealthEast Care System Karl Marx Medicare Medicare Shared Savings Program Pharos Innovations Good Health and Of Rising Risk and ACO Success in the Medicare Shared Savings Program: Community Health Network and Pharos Innovations. Elvonda To each according to their need, from each according to their ability. While that famous (and paraphrased) adage was originally used to atta...
By Gusty Tuesday, 8 September 2015 ACCOUNTABLE CARE ORGANIZATIONS ACOs cms Medicare Medicare Shared Savings Program Pioneer Good Health and The Majority of Medicare ACO Participants Appear to Have Lost Money in 2014. Elvonda There's no other way to put it. Like many wonks, the Population Health Blog glommed onto this recent CMS report report on the 2014 perf...
By Gusty Thursday, 30 July 2015 cms Health Affairs health cost inflation healthcare costs Hepatitis C inflation Medicare medication costs Good Health and Health Care Cost Inflation Returns. Elvonda True, that.... Call it the return to the old normal. With the slow recovery of the U.S. economy, the advent of some blockbuster drugs and th...
By Gusty Thursday, 16 July 2015 AHIP Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services cms HCA Medicare revolving doors Good Health and Turn, Turn, Turn - from Columbia/ HCA Executive, to Virginia Secretary of Health and Human Resources, to Director of the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), to America's Healt Insurance Plans (AHIP). Elvonda Marilyn Tavenner's career continues to revolve, er, evolve. Columbia/ HCA Marilyn Tavenner worked for Columbia / HCA, now HCA, although ...
By Gusty Wednesday, 17 June 2015 cms health care prices Medicare pharmaceuticals regulatory capture revolving doors trade policy US Trade Representative Good Health and The US' Multinational Trade Negotiations - Trading Away Its Own and Other Countries' Current and Future Restraints on Drug Prices?. Elvonda Trade Agreements More about Deregulation than Trade International trade negotiations, especially their more technical aspects, seem far remo...
By Gusty Wednesday, 15 April 2015 cms Health Reform Medicare MIPS sgr Sustainable Growth Rate Good Health and Reform of Medicare's Sustainable Growth Rate: Be Careful What You Wish For. Elvonda Be careful what you wish for. The law of unintended consequences. I'm from the government and I'm here to help . These were the n...
By Gusty Monday, 25 August 2014 Medical Home Medicare New England Journal of Medicine Partnership for Patients Program Patient Centered Medical Home Good Health and CMS Succumbs to Disease Management Style Spin?. Elvonda If, thanks to the medical home or disease management, you've witnessed the improvements in patients' care, you've also probably ...
By Gusty Tuesday, 24 June 2014 Dartmouth Atlas Health Affairs Medicare Spending Variation Good Health and The Majority of Medicare Spending Variation Is Unexplained . Elvonda From time to time, the Population Health Blog spouse finds that her husband is insufficiently attentive. During a recent conversation about...