By Gusty Tuesday, 8 September 2015 ACCOUNTABLE CARE ORGANIZATIONS ACOs cms Medicare Medicare Shared Savings Program Pioneer Good Health and The Majority of Medicare ACO Participants Appear to Have Lost Money in 2014. Elvonda There's no other way to put it. Like many wonks, the Population Health Blog glommed onto this recent CMS report report on the 2014 perf...
By Gusty Tuesday, 10 February 2015 ACCOUNTABLE CARE ORGANIZATIONS aco ACOs Integrated Delivery Systems More Mobility Mentality Moses Naim Power The End of Power Good Health and The End of Power Health Care?. Elvonda Corporate titans enjoying the good old days. While Moses Naim's The End of Power devotes only a few pages to medicine, it's still p...
By Gusty Monday, 18 August 2014 ACCOUNTABLE CARE ORGANIZATIONS ACOs Health and Prevention Promotion Initiative Health Information Networks HINs Health Record Bank Population Health Management Population Health Organization Good Health and Doubling Down on Accountable Care Organizations and Health Information Networks. Elvonda Want to achieve effective health care, reduced costs, increased quality, population health, widespread prevention and seamless health inform...
By Gusty Monday, 28 July 2014 ACCOUNTABLE CARE ORGANIZATIONS ACOs physician employment Vince Kuraitis Good Health and Can Physician Loyalty to Their Profession Be Superseded by Loyalty to their Employer?. Elvonda Whenever the Population Health Blog heard the "value-not-volume" health policy operatives drone on about " provider alignment...