By Gusty Tuesday, 22 October 2013 American Physical Therapy Association electronic medical record EMR outcome physical therapy technology WebPT Good Health and Can EMRs Improve the Physical Therapy Experience?. Elvonda "With great power comes great responsibility", quoted Heidi Jannenga, PT, MPT, ATC/L at the WebPT Evolve meeting in Orlando, Flo...
By Gusty Thursday, 7 June 2012 algorithms clinical decision support electronic medical records EMR physical therapists treatment based classification Good Health and Are Patients Protected from Healthcare Algorithms?. Elvonda Physical therapists are considering algorithms, such as Treatment Based Classification , to help improve patient care. But, according to ...
By Gusty Thursday, 5 April 2012 EHR EMR Mobile or handheld computing PHR physical therapist Physical therapists documentation SOAP notes Good Health and Don't Spend Big Bucks on a New EMR... until you read this!. Elvonda This new article, published in Advance for Physical Therapists April 3rd, 2012, shows you the future of Electronic Medical Records (EMR) in ...
By Gusty Monday, 19 March 2012 electronic medical records EMR paper medical records physical therapists SOAP note Good Health and Happy Birthday! Paper SOAP Notes Turn 44 Years Old!. Elvonda On March 21st, 1968 the SOAP note was proposed in an article from the New England Journal of Medicine Medical Records that Guide and Teach ....
By Gusty Friday, 17 February 2012 EMR functional outcome hl7 Medicare audit medicare compliance narrative note patient satisfaction physical therapists Good Health and What's So Bad about Physical Therapy Documentation?. Elvonda I subscribe to a number of web feeds - some good, some bad. I recieved the following e-mail the other day. It is a Medicare Compliance advic...