By Gusty Friday, 8 July 2016 Becker's Hospital Review EPIC healthcare IT dissatisfaction JAMIA Max Green Good Health and Physicians go flatline on EHR enthusiasm. Elvonda In a new study, physicians' enthusiasm levels for EHR's seem to resemble this EKG: Do physicians really experience a satisfaction ...
By Gusty Friday, 29 April 2016 Coast Guard EPIC Healthcare IT failure Leidos Lockheed Martin Politico Good Health and Back to Paper After U.S. Coast Guard EHR Debacle: Proof of Hegel's Adage "We Learn From History That We Do Not Learn From History"?. Elvonda I have become blue in the face writing about healthcare information technology mismanagement over the years. In fact, the original focus of...
By Gusty Tuesday, 5 April 2016 EPIC healthcare IT cost Keith Hovan Southcoast Health Good Health and What is more important in healthcare, computers, or nurses and other human beings? Southcoast Health cutting dozens of jobs on heels of expensive IT upgrade. Elvonda That I even have to ask the question on the title of this post is a tragedy and a scandal. I've written a number of posts on this blog a...
By Gusty Thursday, 17 March 2016 Dr. Charles Perry Elmhurst Hospital Center EPIC healthcare IT risk Michael Gartland Mismanagement NY Post NYC Health and Hospitals politics Ramanathan Raju Good Health and Criminal matter for the Attorney General of NY? Hail the gods of medical computing, and the need for human sacrifice. NYC�s $764M medical records system will lead to �patient death�: insiders. Elvonda I believe the suffering and death of my mother in 2010-2011 due to EHR flaws - including but not limited to lack of essential confirmation d...
By Gusty Thursday, 24 September 2015 Addenbrooke Hospital Cambridge University Hospitals EPIC healthcare IT dangers healthcare IT risks Mismanagement NPfIT Patient care has not been compromised Rosie hospital Good Health and Cambridge University Hospitals Trust IT Failures: An Open Letter to Queen Elizabeth II on Repeated EHR Failures, Even After �12.7bn Wasted in Failed NHS National IT Programme. Elvonda Dear Queen Elizabeth, I am an American citizen who has written for years about healthcare information technology mismanagement (IT malpracti...