By Gusty Saturday, 6 August 2016 healthcare IT safety NIST Siemens Healthcare Good Health and NIST workshop "The Role of Standards in Preventing & Mitigating Health IT Patient Safety Risks" perhaps should be titled "The Role of Common Sense in Preventing & Mitigating Health IT Patient Safety Risks Before Rolling Out Bad Health IT Nationally". Elvonda Ready, fire, aim. As I wrote in 2010-12 at " Cart before the horse " posts at
By Gusty Wednesday, 13 July 2016 Beaumont Hospital cerner healthcare IT difficulties healthcare IT exceptionalism healthcare IT litigation Mismanagement PinnacleHealth Siemens Siemens Healthcare Soarian Good Health and Two recent stories of EHR un-exceptionalism, and a connection to prior HC Renewal posts including my own experiences. Elvonda The following stories recently appeared in the press about the "un-exceptionalism" (or, I might more accurately state, the negativ...