By Gusty Sunday, 21 July 2013 CNF-HIMSS electronic medical records Florida Hospital Association Florida House of Representatives Medicaid physical therapists Good Health and Why Physical Therapists Should Care About Interoperability. Elvonda I just got back from the 2013 Florida Perspectives: Transforming Healthcare through Health Information Technology on Friday, July 19th, 3013...
By Gusty Thursday, 12 April 2012 florida Florida House of Representatives florida physical therapy association Florida Senate Governor Rick Scott physical therapists Physical Therapists Assistants Good Health and Governor Scott signs Physical Therapist/PTA Temporary License Bill into Law. Elvonda Physical Therapists and Physical Therapists Assistants graduating from Florida based PT and PTA programs will be able to obtain temporary li...
By Gusty Wednesday, 29 February 2012 CS 1228 Florida House of Representatives Florida Senate fpta Good Health and Florida Physical Therapy Bill Passes House 114 to 0. Elvonda A committee substitution ( CS 1228 ) passed unanimously through the Florida House of Representatives today for the Florida Physical Therapy ...
By Gusty Wednesday, 1 February 2012 Florida House of Representatives florida physical therapy association Florida Senate fpta HB 799 Good Health and Florida Physical Therapy Bill Recieves Unanimous Support in Sub-Committee. Elvonda Fourteen out of fourteen Florida House of Representatives in the Health Human Services Quality Subcommittee voted to adopt the Temprary Lice...