By Gusty Wednesday, 21 August 2013 Florida Physical Therapists in Private Practice flptpp private practice physical therapists Good Health and Growing the Private Practice Physical Therapist Network. Elvonda The Florida Physical Therapists in Private Practice (FLPTPP) bought a booth to grow the network at the 2013 Florida Workers Compensation Con...
By Gusty Thursday, 4 April 2013 2013 FLPTPP conference florida Florida Physical Therapists in Private Practice flptpp private practice Good Health and New Speakers for the 2013 FLPTPP Conference in Orlando!. Elvonda Cash Based Physical Therapy and the new Medicare Functional Reporting regulations are just two of the big topics the Florida Physical Therap...
By Gusty Monday, 5 November 2012 FGCU School of physical therapy Florida Physical Therapists in Private Practice flptpp healthcare reform Good Health and Physical Therapist's Private Practice Meeting. Elvonda WHEN: Saturday, November 10th, 2012 from 12:00 to 3:00pm WHERE: Florida Gulfcoast University FGCU School of Physical Therapy in Ft. Myers....
By Gusty Thursday, 23 August 2012 Board of Directors Florida Physical Therapists in Private Practice florida physical therapy association flptpp fpta Good Health and Tim Richardson Running for Secretary of the Florida Physical Therapy Association. Elvonda Statement: I would be honored to serve my fellow physical therapists as Secretary of the Board of Directors of the Florida Physical Therapy...
By Gusty Saturday, 7 July 2012 Armin Loges Florida Physical Therapists in Private Practice flptpp PT Good Health and Physical Therapists Learn from the Best in the Business. Elvonda Physical therapists learning from each other - that's what we've always done. The 2012 Florida Physical Therapists in Private Practi...
By Gusty Wednesday, 25 January 2012 florida Florida Physical Therapists in Private Practice flptpp physical therapist Physical Therapy Business Alliance private practice Good Health and Psst! Want a HOT tip? Form your own Physical Therapist Association.... Elvonda All kidding aside, newly formed physical therapist associations seem to be a growth industry lately. Full disclosure, I am on the Board of ...