By Gusty Monday, 15 August 2016 Abraham Verghese Donna M. Zulman healthcare IT deimplementation JAMA Stanford University Good Health and Stanford authors: Evolutionary Pressures on the Electronic Health Record - "Deimplementing the EHR could actively enhance care in many clinical scenarios". Elvonda A brief post. In this new JAMA article by Stanford authors: Evolutionary Pressures on the Electronic Health Record http://jama.jamanetwork....
By Gusty 07:14 healthcare IT exceptionalism JAMA John P. A. Ioannidis Michael J. Joyner Nigel Paneth Good Health and Ioannidis et al.: What Happens When Underperforming Big Ideas in Research [such as Healthcare IT Exceptionalism] Become Entrenched?. Elvonda Some years ago, John P. A. Ioannidis, MD wrote this piece: " Why Most Published Research Findings Are False ", John P. A. Ioannidi...
By Gusty Tuesday, 12 July 2016 affordable care act healthcare reform JAMA ObamaCare President Obama Good Health and President Obama Writes About Health Care Reform in JAMA. Elvonda All aboard! In a first for the Journal of the American Medical Association (" JAMA "), President Obama has authored a Special Com...
By Gusty Saturday, 30 April 2016 Anne Cappola Bernard Carroll competing interest conflict of interest Garret FitzGerald JAMA Good Health and JAMA LAYS AN EGG. Elvonda JAMA LAYS AN EGG Three months ago I took JAMA to task over a Viewpoint opinion piece about conflict of interest. The authors proposed danc...
By Gusty Sunday, 24 January 2016 Anne Cappola Bernard Carroll conflict of interest conflict of interest blog confluence of interest Garret FitzGerald JAMA Good Health and JAMA JUMPS THE SHARK. Elvonda JAMA JUMPS THE SHARK Medical journals are supposed to promote professional values � scientific, social, and ethical. Quality matters, in eac...
By Gusty Monday, 4 January 2016 Apps health apps Health Information Technology HIT JAMA McKinsey mHealth WHO World Health Organization Good Health and 2016 is the Breakout Year for mHealth: Savings vs. Value. Elvonda In this post, the Population Health Blog predicts how and why mHealth will be covered by more commercial health insurers in 2016, and why th...
By Gusty Wednesday, 2 December 2015 JAMA P4P Pay for Performance Good Health and The Limits of Financial Incentives for Docs. Elvonda "It is written: Man shall not live by bread alone." Luke 4:4 No matter what you think of the source of that quote, the idea that t...
By Gusty Thursday, 27 August 2015 Big Data EHR Electronic Records JAMA Good Health and "Fusing" Randomized Clinical Trials and Big Data: Another Value Proposition for Population Health?. Elvonda Randomized controlled trials are the crown jewel of clinical research. By allocating patients to one of two or more treatment protocols (o...
By Gusty Tuesday, 4 November 2014 Capitation Competition for-profit hospitals Health care costs Health Care Quality Health Care Reform JAMA Medical Home monopolies PCMH Price Transparency Good Health and Health Care Cost Insights and Capitation for the Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH). Elvonda The Population Health Blog finally caught up with the Oct 22/29 "Price, Cost and Competition" issue of JAMA . One of the more int...
By Gusty Monday, 15 September 2014 JAMA obesity Weight Loss Good Health and Is One DIet Program Better Than Another for Weight Loss?. Elvonda As a doctor , the Population Health Blog was often asked by overnourished patients to help find a "best" diet. Its advice to simp...
By Gusty Friday, 12 September 2014 JAMA Prostate Cancer Risk Stratification Shared Decision Making Variation Good Health and Of Risk Stratification, Health System Variation and "Stupid" Decision-Making. Elvonda A fly in the ointment Years ago, a middle-aged Population Health Blog patient came in for a routine follow-up appointment. Since his last v...
By Gusty Wednesday, 23 July 2014 Care Management chronic pain JAMA telephony Good Health and Care Management: What a Bargain. Elvonda They did it again! Sound familiar? Patients' intake into the program was initiated with a face-to face meeting with a nurse care manager...
By Gusty Wednesday, 16 July 2014 AMA American Medical Association California Medical Association JAMA MICRA Pennsylvania Medical Society Good Health and Professional Physician Organizations: A Continuing Necessary Ingredient for Ongoing Health Reform. Elvonda This JAMA article on "Professional Organizations' Role in Supporting Physicians to Improve Value in Health Care" reminds rea...
By Gusty Wednesday, 11 June 2014 Diabetes diabetes mellitus insulin JAMA Metformin Propensity Matching sulfonylureas Good Health and Insulin for Persons Already on Metformin: A Population Health Perspective. Elvonda As most population health providers know, diabetes guidelines tend to focus on shorter-term or "intermediate" outcomes, such as av...
By Gusty Tuesday, 3 June 2014 elderly exercise JAMA Good Health and Perspectives on Exercise for Elders. Elvonda Despite its busy travel schedule, the Population Health Blog had a chance to check out " Lifestyle Interventions and Independence for E...
By Gusty Tuesday, 27 May 2014 Big Data JAMA Good Health and Big Data, Definitions and Population Health. Elvonda What's the likelihood of diabetes? Utter the term " big data " at any ACO, care management or managed care meeting, and one of...
By Gusty Tuesday, 20 May 2014 JAMA Medical Marijuana Good Health and Medical Marijuana and Population Health. Elvonda Many population health providers may deal with the chronic conditions of HIV, Alzheimer disease, multiple sclerosis cancer, epilepsy, inflam...