By Gusty Tuesday, 21 June 2016 Bernard Carroll citalopram clinical trials Eric Topol escitalopram fda Forest Pharmaceuticals Jay Amsterdam Jon Jureidini Leemon McHenry Lisa Cosgrove Lundbeck Underwriters Laboratory vortioxetine Good Health and CORRUPTION OF CLINICAL TRIALS REPORTS: A PROPOSAL. Elvonda CORRUPTION OF CLINICAL TRIALS REPORTS: A PROPOSAL There is a disconnection between the FDA�s drug approval process and the reports we see in...
By Gusty Saturday, 30 April 2016 Anne Cappola Bernard Carroll competing interest conflict of interest Garret FitzGerald JAMA Good Health and JAMA LAYS AN EGG. Elvonda JAMA LAYS AN EGG Three months ago I took JAMA to task over a Viewpoint opinion piece about conflict of interest. The authors proposed danc...
By Gusty Sunday, 24 January 2016 Anne Cappola Bernard Carroll conflict of interest conflict of interest blog confluence of interest Garret FitzGerald JAMA Good Health and JAMA JUMPS THE SHARK. Elvonda JAMA JUMPS THE SHARK Medical journals are supposed to promote professional values � scientific, social, and ethical. Quality matters, in eac...