By Gusty Saturday, 6 August 2016 healthcare IT safety NIST Siemens Healthcare Good Health and NIST workshop "The Role of Standards in Preventing & Mitigating Health IT Patient Safety Risks" perhaps should be titled "The Role of Common Sense in Preventing & Mitigating Health IT Patient Safety Risks Before Rolling Out Bad Health IT Nationally". Elvonda Ready, fire, aim. As I wrote in 2010-12 at " Cart before the horse " posts at
By Gusty Monday, 15 June 2015 ACP ECRI Deep Dive Study healthcare IT safety Politico Good Health and Challenging the meme that [yes, there are all these drastic flaws and problems - BUT] ... EHRs improve patient safety. Elvonda One of the most persistent memes in healthcare IT is that, for all their deficits, bugs, flaws, interferences in care, and so forth, these s...
By Gusty Monday, 2 February 2015 Andrew Gettinger MD healthcare IT defects Healthcare IT experiment healthcare IT safety human experimentation ONC patient rights Good Health and ONC on healthcare IT and patient rights: These systems "have to be rolled out to know where the problems lie". Elvonda An anonymous commenter to my blog post about the USA Today article on bad health IT (