By Gusty Thursday, 12 November 2015 CEO disease deception legal settlements Medtronic mission-hostile management Good Health and "Dreaming On" - The Illusions of the Leaders of Large Health Organizations, as Illustrated by Medtronic's Founder. Elvonda On Health Care Renewal , we have posted story after story about amazingly well paid leaders of big organizations presiding over amazingly b...
By Gusty Wednesday, 2 September 2015 academic freedom anechoic effect bioethics censorship free speech mission-hostile management Northwestern University Good Health and Northwestern Upholds its "Brand," Never Mind Free Speech and Academic Freedom. Elvonda Threats to free speech and academic freedom in health care were a major concern when we started Health Care Renewal . Such threats may no...
By Gusty Sunday, 16 August 2015 Abbott Celgene mission-hostile management Pfizer Sanofi-Aventis Steward Health Care tobacco US Chamber of Commerce WellPoint Good Health and With 10 Health Care Executives on it Board, US Chamber of Commerce Defends Big Tobacco Abroad. Elvonda Tobacco , especially smoked in cigarettes, is generally recognized by health care professionals as having health hazards that greatly outwei...
By Gusty Wednesday, 8 July 2015 boards of directors conflicts of interest executive compensation mission-hostile management Mylan perverse incentives Good Health and Who Benefits? - Rising Generic Drug Prices and the Case of Mylan's Conflicted Property Purchases. Elvonda Rising Generic Drug Prices Health care costs in the US continue their seemingly inexorable rise. Even the parts of health care that used to...
By Gusty Tuesday, 9 June 2015 executive compensation hospital systems legal misconduct medical record confidentiality mission-hostile management UPMC Good Health and Who Benefits? - Despite Data Breaches, Staff Cuts, Vulnerable Patients' Coverage Cuts, Transplant Program Probation, Multi-Million Dollar Executive Compensation Persists at UPMC. Elvonda There are so many things wrong with US and global health care that it is easy to get lost in the details, and despair of finding solutions. ...
By Gusty Friday, 5 June 2015 APA boards of trustees crimes against humanity deception executive compensation legal settlements mission-hostile management Good Health and Health Care Professional Societies Whose Leadership Betrays Their Own Members - the APA Alleged to Have Supported Torture, and Deceived its Members to Collect Money. Elvonda Health care professionals usually view their professional societies as allies, supporting their values and acting in their professional and ...
By Gusty Monday, 23 February 2015 corporate physician health care corruption Kindred Health mission-hostile management Select Medical Good Health and Timing Discharges to Maximize Revenue - "Corruption" of Corporate Long-Term Hospitals?. Elvonda A recent Wall Street Journal article that focused on a quirk in US Medicare payment rules that may be gamed by long-term hospitals also rev...