By Gusty Wednesday, 10 August 2016 boards of directors Brookings Institution Hepatitis C Johnson and Johnson revolving doors You heard it here first Good Health and How the System is Rigged - Johnson and Johnson Board Member Pretends to be Independent Brookings Institution Scholar. Elvonda Fears that "the system is rigged" may cause the lack of trust marring this year's political season. These fears are not basele...
By Gusty Sunday, 21 February 2016 adverse effects deception Fresenius health care prices impunity legal settlements Merck Pfizer Vioxx You heard it here first Good Health and Ho-hum, Another Month, Another Set of Multi-Million Dollar Settlements by Health Care Corporations Acting Badly. Elvonda Amazingly, with a US presidential election looming, there is finally some public discussion here of the impunity of top corporate executiv...
By Gusty Wednesday, 30 September 2015 academic medical centers boards of directors conflicts of interest institutional conflicts of interest medical schools You heard it here first Good Health and Academic Medical Leaders as Directors of For-Profit Health Care Corporations: the Prevalence of This "New Species" of Conflict of Interest Documented in the BMJ. Elvonda The important conflicts of interest generated when academic health care leaders also serve on the boards of directors of for-profit health ...
By Gusty Friday, 26 June 2015 American Society of Clinical Oncology anechoic effect conflicts of interest health care prices institutional conflicts of interest medical societies You heard it here first Good Health and How Institutional Conflicts of Interest Exacerbate the Anechoic Effect - the Example of ASCO Fearing "Biting the Hand that Feeds You". Elvonda As we recently discussed ( here , here , here and here ), in May, 2015, the New England Journal of Medicine, arguably the world's forem...
By Gusty Sunday, 26 April 2015 corporate physician primary care private equity You heard it here first Good Health and More Barbarians at the Gates: Private Equity Puts Primary Care in Play. Elvonda There are still some idealistic physicians who enter primary care practice as a calling. The usual informal definition of primary care is ca...
By Gusty Monday, 13 April 2015 amphetamines conflicts of interest fda health care corruption revolving doors You heard it here first Good Health and "God Damn the Pusher Man" - Especially when Enabled by the FDA Revolving Door. Elvonda Who is watching the watchers? A story this week involving "speed" like drugs added to "dietary supplements" suggests ho...