By Gusty Tuesday, 26 July 2016 2016 at 10:35AM handwriting iOS devices ipad iphone July 26 pediatric occupational therapy Good Health and New Handwriting App � Handwriting Heroes Created By an OT. Elvonda Handwriting Heroes is a new handwriting app developed by Cheryl Bregman who is an occupational therapist. You may be familiar with her from...
By Gusty Thursday, 23 February 2012 EHR iphone Office of National Coordinator of Health Indormation Technology ONC HIT PHR Physical Therapy Apps Good Health and Physical Therapy Apps. Elvonda The physical therapy application marketplace is growing. The iPhone is just the first mobile platform where consumer apps really exploded. ...
By Gusty Friday, 16 December 2011 iphone mobile device patient safety physical therapy Good Health and Distracted Doctoring Raises Risks For Patients. Elvonda This free New York Times article discribes a disturbing trend for which peer-reviewed research is just beginning to emerge: nurses and doct...