By Gusty Wednesday, 8 July 2015 Aetna affordable care act Anthem Cigna Commercial Health Insurance Health Reform Humana ObamaCare Scott Gottlieb Wall Street Journal Good Health and Three Downsides to Commercial Health Insurer Consolidation. Elvonda Writing in The Wall Street Journal , Scott Gottlieb argues that the Aetna-Humana and the Anthem-Cigna combinations are evidence of waning in...
By Gusty Tuesday, 17 February 2015 AMA healthcare IT dangers healthcare IT distraction healthcare IT risk HITECH Jeffrey A. Singer MD Wall Street Journal Good Health and Wall Street Journal: "ObamaCare�s Electronic-Records Debacle" . Elvonda This WSJ Op-Ed could have been entitled "President Sucker: Led Down the Garden Path by The Healthcare IT Industry." It is entitle...