By Gusty Friday, 30 March 2012 documentation Medicare outcomes physical therapists pt talker Good Health and Bulletproof Expert Systems on PT Talker with Jeff Worrell. Elvonda Jeff Worrell has interviewed a cross section of the world's top physical therapists and rehabilitation experts on his podcasting website...
By Gusty Monday, 27 February 2012 cost effectiveness musculoskeletal pain outcomes physical therapy psychosocial vartiables rehabiliation standardized functional scores Good Health and The Value of Physical Therapy: Reimbursement Can Increase 160% Before We Hit a "Break Even". Elvonda A new 6-month cost-effectiveness study of 515 musculoskeletal pain patients treated in a self-referred, direct access Welsh system found tha...
By Gusty Sunday, 1 January 2012 chronic pain cognitive behavioral therapy exercise outcomes physical therapists telephone Good Health and Cognitive Behavior Therapy Over the Telephone Effective for Chronic Widespread Pain. Elvonda Physical therapists who treat chronic pain patients may be interested in this new randomized controlled trial of 442 patients comparing cogn...