By Gusty Thursday, 6 September 2012 ACCOUNTABLE CARE ORGANIZATIONS aco blood pressure hypertension Medicare audit physical therapy primary care providers skilled physical therapy Good Health and Taking Routine Blood Pressures in the Physical Therapy Clinic. Elvonda Physical therapists should be taking routine blood pressures in the physical therapy clinic. We have evidence that physical therapists don...
By Gusty Tuesday, 10 April 2012 $1 880 physical therapy cap Center for Medicare Advocacy Improvement Standard Medicare Medicare audit physical therapists skilled physical therapy Good Health and Skilled Physical Therapy Tied to Medicare Improvement Standard. Elvonda Many physical therapists still believe that Medicare will not pay for therapy that does not lead to a change in functional status. This is...
By Gusty Tuesday, 28 February 2012 Gait Velocity Medicare audit physical therapists physical therapy manager physicians primary care The Sixth Vital Sign Good Health and Management and Measurement of Primary Care Physical Therapy. Elvonda I'm sure the BEST primary care physicians in America are consistently measuring this important clinical variable in their older patients...
By Gusty Friday, 17 February 2012 EMR functional outcome hl7 Medicare audit medicare compliance narrative note patient satisfaction physical therapists Good Health and What's So Bad about Physical Therapy Documentation?. Elvonda I subscribe to a number of web feeds - some good, some bad. I recieved the following e-mail the other day. It is a Medicare Compliance advic...
By Gusty Friday, 13 January 2012 Bulletproof Expert Systems clinical decision support Medicare audit Outpatient Setting physical therapist assistants physical therapists Good Health and New Book on Clinical Decision Support in Physical Therapy. Elvonda The new book is finally done! Bulletproof Expert Systems began in 2006 when myself and six other physical therapists and physical therapis...