By Gusty Friday, 8 July 2016 Becker's Hospital Review EPIC healthcare IT dissatisfaction JAMIA Max Green Good Health and Physicians go flatline on EHR enthusiasm. Elvonda In a new study, physicians' enthusiasm levels for EHR's seem to resemble this EKG: Do physicians really experience a satisfaction ...
By Gusty Thursday, 23 June 2016 AMA American Medical Association Andy Gurman healthcare IT dissatisfaction Good Health and New AMA President Andy Gurman, MD on EHRs: " I don't have one, and no one can make me use one.". Elvonda The love-fest with EHRs continues, to the great chagrin of the believers in fairies, unicorns and cybernetic utopia. Andy Gurman, MD, Takes ...
By Gusty Tuesday, 7 June 2016 healthcare IT benefits healthcare IT difficulties healthcare IT dissatisfaction healthcare IT risk New York Times Steve Lohr Good Health and NY Times/Steve Lohr asks "Why the Economic Payoff From Technology Is So Elusive." The answer in medicine is obvious.. Elvonda In a June 5, 2016 article, New York Times reporter Steve Lohr (
By Gusty Wednesday, 24 February 2016 David Blumenthal Glenn Reynolds Harvard Business Review healthcare IT dangers healthcare IT dissatisfaction healthcare IT utopianism Instapundit Good Health and At least former ONC chair Blumenthal now says "health IT can [even] cause safety issues." Other than that, it's unicorns and fairies in the Harvard Business Review.. Elvonda The truth about healthcare IT, that it is perilously insecure, and is causing clinician despair and patient harm, is increasingly becoming m...
By Gusty Wednesday, 27 May 2015 Bob Wachter David Blumenthal healthcare IT difficulties healthcare IT dissatisfaction Healthcare IT experiment Jayne O'Donnell Sally Murphy USA Today Good Health and Government backs down on some requirements for digital medical records. Elvonda EHR utopian dreams have taken some pronounced hits in recent years. In recent months, the hyper-enthusiasts and their government allies hav...
By Gusty Thursday, 7 May 2015 Flexner Report Goodman Group healthcare IT dissatisfaction Hersher Associates talent management Good Health and Health IT - How Did Things Get So Bad? Look to Late 20th Century Recruiters and "The School of Hard Knocks" Leaders They Preferred. Elvonda I have a long memory, unfortunately for health IT opportunists and hyper-enthusiasts. After reading letters and reports such as: The Jan. 15...
By Gusty Friday, 27 March 2015 CIO magazine healthcare IT dangers healthcare IT dissatisfaction healthcare IT usability healthcare IT utopianism Good Health and Opinion, CIO Magazine: "The medical profession needs to get over its fear of information technology"- their complaints bogus. Elvonda There comes a time when the pundits defending the status quo in the healthcare information technology sector and health IT utopianism simply...