By Gusty Wednesday, 20 April 2016 Care Management cms CPC Medical Home Medicare Medicare Comprehensive Primary Care Initiative Patient Centered Medical Home primary care Good Health and Medicare's Comprehensive Primary Care Initiative - A Two Year Report. Elvonda After all the buzz ( for example ) around the coming launch of CMS' Comprehensive Primary Care " Plus " program , the New En...
By Gusty Wednesday, 22 July 2015 ACCOUNTABLE CARE ORGANIZATIONS aco Bundled Payment Capitation Physician Compensation primary care Good Health and Are Primary Care Physicians (PCPs) Important to ACO Success? Payment Arrangements Say Otherwise. Elvonda Long ago, the Population Health Blog learned that when it comes to health insurance, capitation or bundled payments brakes , while fee-for s...
By Gusty Sunday, 26 April 2015 corporate physician primary care private equity You heard it here first Good Health and More Barbarians at the Gates: Private Equity Puts Primary Care in Play. Elvonda There are still some idealistic physicians who enter primary care practice as a calling. The usual informal definition of primary care is ca...
By Gusty Tuesday, 28 February 2012 Gait Velocity Medicare audit physical therapists physical therapy manager physicians primary care The Sixth Vital Sign Good Health and Management and Measurement of Primary Care Physical Therapy. Elvonda I'm sure the BEST primary care physicians in America are consistently measuring this important clinical variable in their older patients...
By Gusty Saturday, 28 January 2012 decision support direct access misdiagnoses physical therapists primary care Good Health and New Decision Support Tool Prevents Diagnostic Errors. Elvonda Physical therapists practicing in a direct access setting of performing diagnostic work may find these new tools helpful to maintain a low r...