By Gusty Monday, 17 September 2012 clinical decision rules florida physical therapy association fpta outcome measures Oxford Debate physical therapist physical therapy students Good Health and Are Physical Therapy Students Risk Averse?. Elvonda Do physical therapy students always choose the safe alternative? Does $100,000 in debt cause students to vote for the status quo? Do physica...
By Gusty Sunday, 19 February 2012 Clayton Christensen clinical decision rules Direct Access legislation disruptive innovation family practice physicians physical therapists Good Health and "Stealing" Patients from Physicians, Part 1 of 3. Elvonda Right now in America, most physical therapists accept referrals from physicians for conditions like simple ankle sprains and lower back inju...
By Gusty Thursday, 1 December 2011 algorithms art and science of physical therapy clinical decision rules clinical intuition clinical workflow diagnosis fracture physical therapist vertebral Good Health and The Art and Science of Physical Therapy. Elvonda The 2011 Oxford Debate at the APTA Annual Conference in Washington DC pitted clinical decision rules - algorithms - against clincial intuiti...