By Gusty Tuesday, 12 July 2016 affordable care act healthcare reform JAMA ObamaCare President Obama Good Health and President Obama Writes About Health Care Reform in JAMA. Elvonda All aboard! In a first for the Journal of the American Medical Association (" JAMA "), President Obama has authored a Special Com...
By Gusty Thursday, 7 April 2016 affordable care act Apple CDC Dual Eligibles eHealth Health Savings Accounts Health Wonk Review HSAs Influenza mHealth Minimum Wage OxyContin pharma Purdue Pharmaceuticals readmissions Good Health and A Presidential Politics-Free Health Wonk Review. Elvonda Welcome to the Health Wonk Review, a compendium of the latest insights from more than two dozen health policy blogs. Each HWR issue is hoste...
By Gusty Wednesday, 8 July 2015 Aetna affordable care act Anthem Cigna Commercial Health Insurance Health Reform Humana ObamaCare Scott Gottlieb Wall Street Journal Good Health and Three Downsides to Commercial Health Insurer Consolidation. Elvonda Writing in The Wall Street Journal , Scott Gottlieb argues that the Aetna-Humana and the Anthem-Cigna combinations are evidence of waning in...
By Gusty Wednesday, 25 June 2014 ACA affordable care act American Enterprise Institute Health Reform Henry Aaron IRS Joseph Antos New England Journal of Medicine ObamaCare Good Health and A Path Toward Further Health Reform Is Lined With the IRS?. Elvonda As attention has shifted to phantom IRS emails, misbehaving Iraqis and our newfound national awareness of soccer's off-side rule, it...
By Gusty Tuesday, 11 September 2012 affordable care act American Physical Therapy Association APTA direct access physical therapists Uwe Reinhardt Good Health and Is there a physician shortage in America?. Elvonda Uwe Reinhardt is an economics professor at Princeton and former keynote speaker at the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) Annual C...