By Gusty Friday, 3 June 2016 conflicts of interest guidelines Institute of Medicine institutional conflicts of interest Good Health and Clinical Practice Guidelines: Still Conflicted After All These Years. Elvonda Background: Untrustworthy Clinical Practice Guidelines Since the 1990s, clinicians have been exhorted to follow clinical practice guidelines...
By Gusty Wednesday, 30 September 2015 academic medical centers boards of directors conflicts of interest institutional conflicts of interest medical schools You heard it here first Good Health and Academic Medical Leaders as Directors of For-Profit Health Care Corporations: the Prevalence of This "New Species" of Conflict of Interest Documented in the BMJ. Elvonda The important conflicts of interest generated when academic health care leaders also serve on the boards of directors of for-profit health ...
By Gusty Friday, 26 June 2015 American Society of Clinical Oncology anechoic effect conflicts of interest health care prices institutional conflicts of interest medical societies You heard it here first Good Health and How Institutional Conflicts of Interest Exacerbate the Anechoic Effect - the Example of ASCO Fearing "Biting the Hand that Feeds You". Elvonda As we recently discussed ( here , here , here and here ), in May, 2015, the New England Journal of Medicine, arguably the world's forem...
By Gusty Monday, 18 May 2015 academic corruption conflict of interest evidence-based medicine institutional conflicts of interest NEJM pharmaceuticals physicians Good Health and . Elvonda Why is the New England Journal of Medicine Scolding "Pharmascolds"? I, a normally quiet blogger on this site, was disquieted by wh...