By Gusty Monday, 5 October 2015 Death of Private Practice Health Reform private practice Good Health and Physician Owned Private Practice Is Still Alive and Well: Here's Why . Elvonda A death greatly exaggerated... The Population Health Blog recently broke bread with a Director at the Tucker Advisory Group . TAG provides...
By Gusty Tuesday, 30 April 2013 better outcomes Cash Based Physical Therapy Medicare Myofascial physical therapist private practice Good Health and Meet the Presenters at Florida's Private Practice Physical Therapist Conference. Elvonda Here is our distinguished line-up of presenters for the 3rd annual private practice conference in Orlando, Florida! Sign up now at www.FLPT...
By Gusty Thursday, 4 April 2013 2013 FLPTPP conference florida Florida Physical Therapists in Private Practice flptpp private practice Good Health and New Speakers for the 2013 FLPTPP Conference in Orlando!. Elvonda Cash Based Physical Therapy and the new Medicare Functional Reporting regulations are just two of the big topics the Florida Physical Therap...
By Gusty Thursday, 13 September 2012 copayment legislation fpta medicare compliance Outcome Questionnaires physical therapists private practice Good Health and Town Hall Meeting Provokes Excitement. Elvonda The Town Hall at 5:30pm on Thursday, September 13, 2012 at the FPTA Annual Conference & Assembly of Representatives in Daytona Beach was...
By Gusty Friday, 20 July 2012 Doctors of physical therapy Marcus Welby Outpatient Physical Therapists physical therapists physicians private practice Good Health and Marcus Welby is Dead. Elvonda "It's the death knoll of the private practice..." said Kurt Mosley, vice president of strategic lliances for Merritt Hawkins ...
By Gusty Monday, 16 July 2012 fpta FPTA Annual conference New Graduate Physical Therapists physical therapists private practice Good Health and How to Open a Private Practice in line with APTA's Vision 2020. Elvonda Intended for Physical Therapists new to Private Practice! This course presents an introduction for healthcare professionals looking to open...
By Gusty Wednesday, 14 March 2012 health care Medicare physical therapy private practice Good Health and Will Your Physical Therapy Clinic Close by 2020?. Elvonda Why One-Third of Hospitals Will Close By 2020 , written by by David Houle and Jonathan Fleece, JD, on the KevinMD website is a thought prov...
By Gusty Wednesday, 8 February 2012 American Physical Therapy Association APTA outpatient physical therapy physical therpists private practice Good Health and Why Outpatient Physical Therapy Will Survive and Thrive. Elvonda This bears repeating... The following is a response to a comment thread on Peter Kovacek's . You need a username and pass...
By Gusty Wednesday, 25 January 2012 florida Florida Physical Therapists in Private Practice flptpp physical therapist Physical Therapy Business Alliance private practice Good Health and Psst! Want a HOT tip? Form your own Physical Therapist Association.... Elvonda All kidding aside, newly formed physical therapist associations seem to be a growth industry lately. Full disclosure, I am on the Board of ...