By Gusty Wednesday, 29 February 2012 CS 1228 Florida House of Representatives Florida Senate fpta Good Health and Florida Physical Therapy Bill Passes House 114 to 0. Elvonda A committee substitution ( CS 1228 ) passed unanimously through the Florida House of Representatives today for the Florida Physical Therapy ...
By Gusty Tuesday, 28 February 2012 Gait Velocity Medicare audit physical therapists physical therapy manager physicians primary care The Sixth Vital Sign Good Health and Management and Measurement of Primary Care Physical Therapy. Elvonda I'm sure the BEST primary care physicians in America are consistently measuring this important clinical variable in their older patients...
By Gusty Monday, 27 February 2012 Academic Electives Opportunities at WHEP Reproductive Options Resources Sexual Health Women's Health Scholar Good Health and Working with WOAR to Educate Teens on Safety in Sexual Health. Elvonda WHEP ELECTIVE: Women�s Health in the Community For my Women�s Health in the Community elective, I reached out to the organization Women Orga...
By Gusty 07:15 cost effectiveness musculoskeletal pain outcomes physical therapy psychosocial vartiables rehabiliation standardized functional scores Good Health and The Value of Physical Therapy: Reimbursement Can Increase 160% Before We Hit a "Break Even". Elvonda A new 6-month cost-effectiveness study of 515 musculoskeletal pain patients treated in a self-referred, direct access Welsh system found tha...
By Gusty Friday, 24 February 2012 Interpersonal Violence Good Health and NO HITTING!! February is Teen Dating and Violence Awareness and Prevention Month. Elvonda A number of our terrific seniors are engaged in teen health activities this month, Sonia on teen attitudes on sources of sexual health infor...
By Gusty 10:36 Good Health and Invisibility and Lesbian Health. Elvonda One size does not fit all. Even when we evaluate trends within a given group, we need to deduce what are the individual traits of the person...
By Gusty Thursday, 23 February 2012 EHR iphone Office of National Coordinator of Health Indormation Technology ONC HIT PHR Physical Therapy Apps Good Health and Physical Therapy Apps. Elvonda The physical therapy application marketplace is growing. The iPhone is just the first mobile platform where consumer apps really exploded. ...
By Gusty 14:03 Good Health and WHERE TO BEGIN? Figuring Out What You Don't Even Know That You Don't Know?. Elvonda It is pretty easy to feel comfortable with what we know. It is equally comfortable (especially in an insatiably curious person) to be comfor...
By Gusty Monday, 20 February 2012 Good Health and ASSESSING RISK AND STILL PROMOTING HOPE FOR THE FUTURE. Elvonda In Medicine, we are taught to assess risk. To identify factors that make a condition more or less likely. It is akin to a detective novel. U...
By Gusty Sunday, 19 February 2012 Clayton Christensen clinical decision rules Direct Access legislation disruptive innovation family practice physicians physical therapists Good Health and "Stealing" Patients from Physicians, Part 1 of 3. Elvonda Right now in America, most physical therapists accept referrals from physicians for conditions like simple ankle sprains and lower back inju...
By Gusty Friday, 17 February 2012 EMR functional outcome hl7 Medicare audit medicare compliance narrative note patient satisfaction physical therapists Good Health and What's So Bad about Physical Therapy Documentation?. Elvonda I subscribe to a number of web feeds - some good, some bad. I recieved the following e-mail the other day. It is a Medicare Compliance advic...
By Gusty Wednesday, 15 February 2012 American Physical Therapy Association APTA EHR Electronic Health Records Good Health and New Electronic Health Records Toolkit available from the APTA. Elvonda An Electronic Health Records (EHR) adoption toolkit is now available at the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) website. Member lo...
By Gusty Monday, 13 February 2012 clinical prediction rules physical therapists screening for pathology treatment based classification Good Health and Pathology Screening by Physical Therapists. Elvonda Here are the clinical prediction rules I routinely use in the clinic. They are included as a separate chapter in my new book Bulletproof Exp...
By Gusty Wednesday, 8 February 2012 American Physical Therapy Association APTA outpatient physical therapy physical therpists private practice Good Health and Why Outpatient Physical Therapy Will Survive and Thrive. Elvonda This bears repeating... The following is a response to a comment thread on Peter Kovacek's . You need a username and pass...
By Gusty Monday, 6 February 2012 california diet florida healing health injury Good Health and Six Foods to Help You Recover More Quickly after an Injury. Elvonda All-natural, whole foods are the basis of any healthy diet. In addition to providing the nutrients needed for basic health and wellness, the...
By Gusty Wednesday, 1 February 2012 Florida House of Representatives florida physical therapy association Florida Senate fpta HB 799 Good Health and Florida Physical Therapy Bill Recieves Unanimous Support in Sub-Committee. Elvonda Fourteen out of fourteen Florida House of Representatives in the Health Human Services Quality Subcommittee voted to adopt the Temprary Lice...