By Gusty Friday, 11 September 2015 Health Wonk Review Good Health and The Latest Health Wonk Review is Up!. Elvonda In our age of expressive individualism . it's only appropriate that we combine brainy wonkiness with our pictorial self-love. Steven An...
By Gusty Wednesday, 9 September 2015 movement and learning Good Health and Alphabet Hunt Movement and Learning Activity. Elvonda Download this free Category Scavenger Hunt . Write a letter in each box on the left. Find objects that start with those letters. Write d...
By Gusty Tuesday, 8 September 2015 ACCOUNTABLE CARE ORGANIZATIONS ACOs cms Medicare Medicare Shared Savings Program Pioneer Good Health and The Majority of Medicare ACO Participants Appear to Have Lost Money in 2014. Elvonda There's no other way to put it. Like many wonks, the Population Health Blog glommed onto this recent CMS report report on the 2014 perf...
By Gusty 05:00 school based occupational therapy school based physical therapy Good Health and New School Based Therapist? Start Here. Elvonda Are you new to the world of school based therapy? If so, here are 5 blog posts that will help you hit the ground running. 8 Getting To Kn...
By Gusty Monday, 7 September 2015 proprioception working memory Good Health and Proprioceptive Training and Working Memory. Elvonda A pilot study published in Perceptual and Motor Skills examined whether regular classroom instruction, yoga or proprioceptive training imp...
By Gusty Friday, 4 September 2015 anechoic effect conflicts of interest corporatism DHHS revolving doors Good Health and Round and Round It Goes - Former US Secretary of Health and Human Services Joins Humacyte Board. Elvonda The latest example of the health care revolving door was made barely public just before the US Labor Day holiday. Per the Triangle Business...
By Gusty Wednesday, 2 September 2015 academic freedom anechoic effect bioethics censorship free speech mission-hostile management Northwestern University Good Health and Northwestern Upholds its "Brand," Never Mind Free Speech and Academic Freedom. Elvonda Threats to free speech and academic freedom in health care were a major concern when we started Health Care Renewal . Such threats may no...