By Gusty Thursday, 29 October 2015 scissor skills visual motor visual spatial Good Health and Road Puzzler Freebie for Visual Motor and Visual Spatial Skills. Elvonda Here is a fun but challenging freebie - the Road Puzzler . Practice scissor skills, visual motor and visual spatial skills with this printa...
By Gusty 04:55 Junior Achievement STEM Good Health and Why Become a Doctor?. Elvonda Talk about good timing. This just-broadcast NPR Morning Edition segment spoke to the importance of "STEM" (i.e., Science, Techno...
By Gusty Wednesday, 28 October 2015 autism physical activity Good Health and Physical Activity and Adolescents with Autism. Elvonda Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly published research on a questionnaire completed by 35 adolescents with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) a...
By Gusty 12:00 autism motor skills balance postural control Good Health and Light Touch, Postural Sway and Children with Autism. Elvonda Gait & Posture published research comparing 16 children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and 16 typically developing children (TD) ...
By Gusty Tuesday, 27 October 2015 Adventist Health System Broward Health corporate physician crime Stark Law Tuomey Healthcare System Good Health and The Corporate Physicians' Dilemma - Three Hospital Systems Settle Cases Alleging Pressure on Employed Physicians to Refer Patients Within the System. Elvonda Physicians are sworn to provide the best possible care to each individual patient. Yet in the US, physicians increasingly practice as emplo...
By Gusty Monday, 26 October 2015 Good Health and Make a Difference Day 2015. Elvonda The annual Make a Difference Day was October 24th at Cave Springs Lane. This year we hosted a Special Olympics Bowling Tournament. Everyone...
By Gusty Sunday, 25 October 2015 motor planning pediatric occupational therapy pediatric physical therapy Good Health and Developing Motor Maps. Elvonda Many pediatric occupational and physical therapists work with children who exhibit decreased sensory processing such as decreased body aware...
By Gusty Friday, 23 October 2015 handwriting school based occupational therapy Good Health and Handwriting Paper Practice App Review. Elvonda I heard about Writing Practice � Educators Edition with Ruled Paper from SmartAppsforKids and it is free today � 10/23/15. I was just tes...
By Gusty Thursday, 22 October 2015 Good Health and Alpha Eta. Elvonda October 21st 2015 We held our induction ceremony for Alpha Eta. The Physical Therapy & Athletic Training Inductees are: Alison K. Alexan...
By Gusty 06:01 CMS. Medicare meaningful use criteria MU3 Good Health and Value Creation for Healthcare Apps - or - Avoiding the Mistakes of "Meaningful Use". Elvonda Meaningful Use is debated Any health care provider who hasn't been sealed in a Faraday cage for the last five years is likely aware of ...
By Gusty 04:30 modifications pediatric occuptional therapy scissor skills Good Health and 5 Ways to Make Cutting Easier. Elvonda Here are 5 ways to help children learn how to use scissors and to make cutting a little bit easier. 1. Use thicker paper when cutting. R...
By Gusty Wednesday, 21 October 2015 handwriting Good Health and Stability Balls and Handwriting. Elvonda Recent research (Master�s thesis) explored whether the use of stability balls affect the development of handwriting. The study used a pre-t...
By Gusty 11:14 assistive technology ipad iPhone apps Good Health and Help for App Overload. Elvonda I'm not sure about you, but I am completely overwhelmed by all the apps out there. I used to try and keep up on all the applications an...
By Gusty 10:33 visual perceptual skills Good Health and Find and Color Freebie at the Amusement Park. Elvonda Here is a freebie from the latest download Find and Color . You can download the Amusement Park Find and Color here � http://yourthera...
By Gusty 10:32 ADHD autism pediatric occupational therapy pediatric physical therapy sensory processing disorder Good Health and Pool Noodle Seat. Elvonda Do you have any students who need just a little extra reminder of where the chair ends? Maybe an external cue of where to put their hips? ...
By Gusty Tuesday, 20 October 2015 economism generic managers global health managerialism managers' coup d'etat market fundamentalism Medical Journal of Australia neoliberalism Good Health and "The Scourge of Managerialism" - Generic Management, the Manager's Coup D'Etat, Mission-Hostile Management Rolled Up, as Described by Some Men from Down Under. Elvonda I just found an important article that in the June, 2015 issue of the Medical Journal of Australia(1) that sums up many of ways the leadersh...
By Gusty 06:14 Good Health and Ice Bucket Challenge 2015. Elvonda PT's 2015 Ice Bucket Challenge was a success. Thank you to all who participated.
By Gusty Thursday, 15 October 2015 adulterated devices bribery Bristol-Myers-Squibb crime deception deferred prosecution agreement Genzyme intimidation legal settlements Pfizer Sanofi-Aventis Good Health and Phooled Again - More Settlements Suggesting Bad Behavior by Big Pharma/ Biotech. Elvonda Once again, here is a roundup of cases showing big multi-national pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies are up to their usual tricks. P...