Good Health and Academic Medical Leaders as Directors of For-Profit Health Care Corporations: the Prevalence of This "New Species" of Conflict of Interest Documented in the BMJ. Elvonda

Good Health and Academic Medical Leaders as Directors of For-Profit Health Care Corporations: the Prevalence of This "New Species" of Conflict of Interest Documented in the BMJ. Elvonda

The important conflicts of interest generated when academic health care leaders also serve on the boards of directors of for-profit health ...
Good Health and Cambridge University Hospitals Trust IT Failures:  An Open Letter to Queen Elizabeth II on Repeated EHR Failures, Even After �12.7bn Wasted in Failed NHS National IT Programme. Elvonda

Good Health and Cambridge University Hospitals Trust IT Failures: An Open Letter to Queen Elizabeth II on Repeated EHR Failures, Even After �12.7bn Wasted in Failed NHS National IT Programme. Elvonda

Dear Queen Elizabeth, I am an American citizen who has written for years about healthcare information technology mismanagement (IT malpracti...