By Gusty Friday, 31 July 2015 generic managers hospital systems Good Health and 60% of the CEOs of America's "Great Health Systems" Have No Educational Background in Health Care. Elvonda We have noted that US health care has been taken over by generic managers . A recent article about the CEOs of purportedly some of America...
By Gusty Thursday, 30 July 2015 CHF clinical trials Entresto evidence-based medicine manipulating clinical research Novartis sacubitril Good Health and Entresto: Blockbuster, or Just Over Hyped? - Whatever, It Will Cost $4500 a Year. Elvonda The newest drug for congestive heart failure, Entresto, a fixed combination of valsartan and sacubitril, has just hit the market at an eleva...
By Gusty 05:05 cms Health Affairs health cost inflation healthcare costs Hepatitis C inflation Medicare medication costs Good Health and Health Care Cost Inflation Returns. Elvonda True, that.... Call it the return to the old normal. With the slow recovery of the U.S. economy, the advent of some blockbuster drugs and th...
By Gusty Wednesday, 29 July 2015 cerebral palsy Wii Wiihab Good Health and Benefits of the WiiFit on Motor Performance in Children with Cerebral Palsy. Elvonda The Journal of Physical Therapy Science published research on the effect of training with Nintendo Wii Fit games on motor performance in 4...
By Gusty Sunday, 26 July 2015 generic managers ill-informed management NHS UK Good Health and What They Really Think of Us, UK Version - Health Secretary Derides NHS Doctors for Not Working Enough on Weekends. Elvonda A new story from the UK suggests what top leaders of health care really think about health care professionals. I realize that I risk showin...
By Gusty Thursday, 23 July 2015 Health Care Transformation Task Force population health Good Health and A Primer on Population Health. Elvonda If you need to help a colleague who is clueless about cost-saving potential of population health , the Population Health Blog recommends y...
By Gusty Wednesday, 22 July 2015 ACCOUNTABLE CARE ORGANIZATIONS aco Bundled Payment Capitation Physician Compensation primary care Good Health and Are Primary Care Physicians (PCPs) Important to ACO Success? Payment Arrangements Say Otherwise. Elvonda Long ago, the Population Health Blog learned that when it comes to health insurance, capitation or bundled payments brakes , while fee-for s...
By Gusty Thursday, 16 July 2015 AHIP Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services cms HCA Medicare revolving doors Good Health and Turn, Turn, Turn - from Columbia/ HCA Executive, to Virginia Secretary of Health and Human Resources, to Director of the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), to America's Healt Insurance Plans (AHIP). Elvonda Marilyn Tavenner's career continues to revolve, er, evolve. Columbia/ HCA Marilyn Tavenner worked for Columbia / HCA, now HCA, although ...
By Gusty 09:45 Health Wonk Review Good Health and The Latest Health Wonk Review is Up!. Elvonda Hank Stern of the InsureBlog has posted the latest version of the Health Wonk Review. Titled Hot Summer Nights, Cool Summer Drinks , this ...