By Gusty Tuesday, 30 September 2014 Good Health and Physical Therapist Make the Difference. Elvonda I think it�s important to recognize that physical therapy is a very board profession in itself so there are lots of reasons for people to ...
By Gusty 16:34 Dos Equis Medical Home Patient Centered Medical Care Patient Centered Medical Home PCMH The Most Interesting Man in the World Good Health and The Most Interesting Man In the World Teaches the PHB about the Medical Home. Elvonda The Population Health Blog isn't sure why its Twitter account was targeted by the Dos Equis ads about the exploits of " the world...
By Gusty 08:33 Good Health and SLU PT Walker Brigade Wins Homecoming Golf Cart Parade!!. Elvonda Physical Therapy Student Council won the Golf Cart Parade!!! Check out the announcement on SLU's Student Board of Activities's webs...
By Gusty Monday, 29 September 2014 Good Health and Thoughts on Feminism . Elvonda Feminism is getting a lot of buzz lately, with many examples of violence and unequal treatment towards women flooding the airways. However, ...
By Gusty Thursday, 25 September 2014 Good Health and Pictures from the Class of 2020's Day on Campus :) . Elvonda