By Gusty Friday, 29 August 2014 Good Health and Preventative Health Lecture Follow-up: Talking with Patients and Vaccinations . Elvonda After Dr. Nunez�s informative and entertaining lecture on Women�s Health and Prevention Issues this afternoon, a few additional thoughts cam...
By Gusty Monday, 25 August 2014 Medical Home Medicare New England Journal of Medicine Partnership for Patients Program Patient Centered Medical Home Good Health and CMS Succumbs to Disease Management Style Spin?. Elvonda If, thanks to the medical home or disease management, you've witnessed the improvements in patients' care, you've also probably ...
By Gusty Thursday, 21 August 2014 Good Health and 13th Annual Cheryl Cavallo Hustle For Your Health Registration Is Now Open! . Elvonda 2014 HFYH 13th Annual Cheryl Cavallo Hustle for your Health Registration is now open! Register HERE Sponsored by the Saint Louis University ...
By Gusty Wednesday, 20 August 2014 Journal of Participatory Medicine Patient Engagement readiness to change transtheoretical model Good Health and Just What Is "Patient Engagement" in Health Care?. Elvonda According to this paper by Barello et al in the Journal of Participatory Medicine , the muddled answer depends on when it was used as well ...
By Gusty Monday, 18 August 2014 ACCOUNTABLE CARE ORGANIZATIONS ACOs Health and Prevention Promotion Initiative Health Information Networks HINs Health Record Bank Population Health Management Population Health Organization Good Health and Doubling Down on Accountable Care Organizations and Health Information Networks. Elvonda Want to achieve effective health care, reduced costs, increased quality, population health, widespread prevention and seamless health inform...
By Gusty Thursday, 14 August 2014 Care Management New England Journal of Medicine Good Health and 17 Reasons Why Care Management Is Probably Not Going To Be in a Clinic Near You Anytime Soon. Elvonda Here's a good review of all the reasons why care management has not become a routine part of patient care. As policymakers, reformists...
By Gusty Wednesday, 13 August 2014 Care Management New England Journal of Medicine Good Health and The Just Right "Sweet Middle" of Care Management. Elvonda Finding the "just right" middle If you're interested in care management (definition here ), there's a supportive case repo...
By Gusty 06:43 Good Health and Risk Factors For Heart Disease: Worse for Women & African Americans . Elvonda A recent study reported in Health demonstrates the disparity felt by women and African Americans when it comes to risk factors for ...
By Gusty Tuesday, 12 August 2014 AHRQ QI Quality Assurance Quality Improvement Good Health and Quality Improvement Ver. 2.0?. Elvonda Throughout its medical career, it's safe to say that the Population Health Blog has been quality-improvement ("QI") averse. Wh...
By Gusty Monday, 11 August 2014 Good Health and SLU PT Alumni Gozie Ndolo Takes DPT 565 Posters To Nigeria . Elvonda SLU PT Alumni Gozie Ndolo (DPT Class of 2011) recently went to Nigeria with a group called Living Hope Ministries! Gozie and other volunte...
By Gusty 07:33 Good Health and SLU PT Faculty Gretchen Salsich in Newslink and St. Louis Post Dispatch! . Elvonda Did you miss SLU PT Faculty Gretchen Salsich in Newslink on Friday? She was recognized in the St. Louis Post Dispatch for her NIH Grant! Yo...
By Gusty 06:10 Good Health and First Day of SLU-SSM Orthopedic Residency!. Elvonda Today is a very seminal day in the Program in Physical Therapy as it is the first day of the inaugural SLU-SSM Orthopedic Residency! Our tw...
By Gusty Thursday, 7 August 2014 Humor Weird Al Good Health and Corporate Jargon You Can Sing Along To. Elvonda Naturally, the corporate-minded Population Health Blog could not resist: (By the way, this wacky petition may be just the thing to prevent ...
By Gusty Wednesday, 6 August 2014 Good Health and Thanks for the New Equipment! . Elvonda A warm thanks to those who made donations for equipment for physical therapy courses! Here PT faculty member Kim Levenhagen poses with new e...
By Gusty 05:14 Bundled Payment Cavalcade of Risk Data Privacy Medicaid value based insurance design Workers Compensation Good Health and The Italics and Dot-Dot-Dot Edition of the Cavalcade of Risk. Elvonda Welcome to your latest edition of the Cavalcade of Risk. The Population Health Blog is pleased to offer this linked summary of some of the ...
By Gusty Tuesday, 5 August 2014 Bundled Payment Health Affairs Health Reform Good Health and Think Bundled Payment is Inevitable? Think Again. Elvonda Getting bundles of these is easy? This just published Health Affairs article finds some flies in the bundled payment ointment. The summa...
By Gusty Monday, 4 August 2014 Good Health and SLU PT Alumni Cristina Mayne-Nicholls Creates Summer Sports Camp for Kids with Special Needs . Elvonda SLU PT alumni Cristina Mayne-Nicholls (DPT Class of 2013) recently created a summer sports camp for kids with special needs. "I really...