By Gusty Thursday, 31 July 2014 Humor Millenials Yuppies Good Health and Yuppies vs. Millenials: Health Policy Implications. Elvonda In this post , the Population Health Blog distinguished between yuppies' desires and the millennials ' expectations . To further he...
By Gusty Tuesday, 29 July 2014 innovation Good Health and "Necessity is the Mother of Innovation": Here's the Four That Need It. Elvonda Actually, the Population Health Blog wishes it had coined that adage. While a quick internet search indicates that the quote is on a host of...
By Gusty Monday, 28 July 2014 ACCOUNTABLE CARE ORGANIZATIONS ACOs physician employment Vince Kuraitis Good Health and Can Physician Loyalty to Their Profession Be Superseded by Loyalty to their Employer?. Elvonda Whenever the Population Health Blog heard the "value-not-volume" health policy operatives drone on about " provider alignment...
By Gusty Thursday, 24 July 2014 Gallup-Healthways Survey New England Journal of Medicine ObamaCare Uninsured Good Health and Credble Numbers on Obamacare: And Why is the 16.3% Prevalence of Persons Without Health Insurance Good News?. Elvonda The signed Affordable Care Act We finally have some credible numbers on what's happened to insurance enrollment under Obamacare. The pap...
By Gusty 06:11 Good Health and 2014 Alumni Merit Award Recipient - SLU PT Alumni Bill Hopfinger '78. Elvonda Congratulations to SLU PT alumni Bill Hopfinger on receiving the 2014 Alumni Merit Award! Bill received his Bachelor of Science in Physica...
By Gusty Wednesday, 23 July 2014 Care Management chronic pain JAMA telephony Good Health and Care Management: What a Bargain. Elvonda They did it again! Sound familiar? Patients' intake into the program was initiated with a face-to face meeting with a nurse care manager...
By Gusty Tuesday, 22 July 2014 Good Health and Possible Health Benefits of Lower Bedroom Temperatures . Elvonda You may want to think twice before turning down your air conditioner! An interesting study was released recently investigating the possible ...
By Gusty 06:43 Good Health and Good Luck to the DPT Class of 2014!. Elvonda Best wishes and good vibes to the DPTs from the Class of 2014 who are taking the NPTE today and tomorrow!
By Gusty Monday, 21 July 2014 Amazon Big Data Facebook Google NACD The Economist Good Health and New Insights on Big Data. Elvonda Say hello to big data! This week's The Economist discusses some of the implications of "big data." Population Health Blog r...
By Gusty Friday, 18 July 2014 Good Health and The Cheryl Cavallo Physical Therapy Lab Dedication Ceremony . Elvonda A very warm thank you to all who attended the Cheryl Cavallo Physical Therapy Lab Dedication yesterday evening! It was a beautiful evening, ...
By Gusty Wednesday, 16 July 2014 Good Health and Just fixing up that ole' shoulder bone #ThanksGorillaGlue. Elvonda