By Gusty Thursday, 18 December 2014 Good Health and Learn from Colleagues. Elvonda You bring up a really great point there about being willing to submit yourself to a professional and they talk to the students a lot about i...
By Gusty 05:58 Good Health and SLU PT Students Featured in Newslink for Ergonomic Consult. Elvonda SLU PT students Tara Pool and Michelle Woodson were featured in Newslink this morning for giving an ergonomic consultation! You can find the...
By Gusty Thursday, 11 December 2014 Good Health and Happy Holidays and Jingle Bells from the SLU PT Class of 2017. Elvonda PT faculty member Kim Levenhagen and Annie Fordonski (Class of 2017) strike 3 toed sloth poses in honor of Annie's 3 toed sloth holiday ...
By Gusty Thursday, 4 December 2014 Good Health and . Elvonda PT/AT Research Seminar! December 8, 2014 12:00PM Allied Health Building Room 1036 3437 Caroline St. St. Louis, MO 63104 The Department of P...
By Gusty Tuesday, 2 December 2014 Good Health and Joanne Wagner on the front of Research Matters magazine!. Elvonda Saint Louis University Program in Physical Therapy faculty member Joanne Wagner is on the front of the UK Multiple Sclerosis Society's W...
By Gusty 07:30 Good Health and Make an Ornament in the PT Office for our Giving Tree! . Elvonda Every year PT STUCO decorates a Christmas Tree to benefit an organization. It costs $1 to make an ornament. All of the ornament supplies y...
By Gusty 05:50 Good Health and Photos from Dance Marathon Massages. Elvonda See photos from Dance Marathon Massages below. Over $100 was raised towards the Dance Marathon!