By Gusty Tuesday, 23 October 2012 Center for Medicare Advocacy Improvement Standard maintenance only maintenance therapy Medicare coverage physical therapy Good Health and Maintenance #PhysicalTherapy Paid by Medicare?. Elvonda This may be the biggest change to Medicare affecting physical therapists since the March 23rd, 2010 passage of the Patient Protection and Af...
By Gusty Monday, 22 October 2012 mobile app mobile devices physical therapy Video documentation Good Health and Medical Apps for Physical Therapy. Elvonda Video documentation of the physical therapy note is the future and the iPhone is the logical choice for the clinical handset. Several apps h...
By Gusty Sunday, 14 October 2012 First Coast Service Option manual medical review Occupational Therapy physical therapy pre-approval of therapy prepayment review Good Health and Important reminders before completing the pre-approval of therapy services form. Elvonda First Coast Service Options ' (First Coast�s) Medical Review department is returning a high volume of pre-approval requests for therapy ...
By Gusty Saturday, 13 October 2012 electronic medical record OpenNotes outpatient physical therapy patient functional status physical therapist Good Health and Open Notes Can be Transformational for Physical Therapy. Elvonda I've been using video to record the patient experience in my outpatient physical therapy clinic for several years. I've never share...
By Gusty Friday, 12 October 2012 Open Notes OpenNotes physical therapists physical therapy physical therapy notes Good Health and The Incredible Opacity of Physical Therapy. Elvonda There is no setting more opaque than physical therapy. Not cardiology. Not orthopedics. Not family practice. Many consumers don't even ...
By Gusty Thursday, 4 October 2012 DePuy Hip replacement surgery implant failure Johnson Stryker Zimmer Good Health and Current Hip Replacement Issues. Elvonda Hip replacement surgery has come under fire recently, chiefly due to issues concerning metal-on-metal replacement systems. Recalls, lawsuits...