By Gusty Tuesday, 31 July 2012 health care healthcare fraud Good Health and The Surprising Truth About Healthcare Fraud. Elvonda Thanks to Peter Kim at
By Gusty 04:35 American Medical Association physical therapists physician physiotherapists prescribing Good Health and British Physical Therapists Gain Prescribing Rights. Elvonda "This is a truly historic day..." The 51,000 British physical therapists (physiotherapists) can now become trained to independentl...
By Gusty Friday, 20 July 2012 Doctors of physical therapy Marcus Welby Outpatient Physical Therapists physical therapists physicians private practice Good Health and Marcus Welby is Dead. Elvonda "It's the death knoll of the private practice..." said Kurt Mosley, vice president of strategic lliances for Merritt Hawkins ...
By Gusty Tuesday, 17 July 2012 excessive imaging physical therapists x-ray Good Health and How to Tell Your Patient Their MRI is Unneccesary. Elvonda Thanks to EIM faculty member Dr. Jason R. Rodeghero for this fun, thought-provoking video. Physical therapists can educate their patients ...
By Gusty Monday, 16 July 2012 fpta FPTA Annual conference New Graduate Physical Therapists physical therapists private practice Good Health and How to Open a Private Practice in line with APTA's Vision 2020. Elvonda Intended for Physical Therapists new to Private Practice! This course presents an introduction for healthcare professionals looking to open...
By Gusty Tuesday, 10 July 2012 florida physical therapy association fpta key contacts physical therapy Temporary Licensure Good Health and Florida Physical Therapists Wanted to Speak to Legislators. Elvonda The Key Contacts program of the Florida Physical Therapy Association (FPTA) is designed to put a physical therapist (PT) or physical therapi...
By Gusty Saturday, 7 July 2012 Armin Loges Florida Physical Therapists in Private Practice flptpp PT Good Health and Physical Therapists Learn from the Best in the Business. Elvonda Physical therapists learning from each other - that's what we've always done. The 2012 Florida Physical Therapists in Private Practi...