By Gusty Thursday, 31 May 2012 -KX modifier balance assessment exercise medically necessary Medicare physical therapy prior falls Good Health and Task Force Recommends Physical Therapists Use Clinical Intuition to Screen for Fall Prevention. Elvonda The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) Recommendation Statement for Prevention of Falls in Community-Dwelling Older Adults was pu...
By Gusty Monday, 28 May 2012 licensing and credentialing Medicare outpatient physical therapists Physical therapy journal readmissions telemedicine Good Health and Telehealth Potential Remains, Trapped by Regulations and Licensure Barriers. Elvonda Dr. Alan Lee's Perspective article in the December 2011 Physical Therapy journal offers hope tempered with a dose of pragmatic reality ...
By Gusty Tuesday, 22 May 2012 physical therapy Twitter conversation University of Pittsburgh Good Health and Join Pitt DPT Students to #SolvePT. Elvonda Be a part of the movement! Add your voice to this Twitter conversation to determine what physical therapy will look like in the future. Log ...
By Gusty Monday, 21 May 2012 organ transplants physicians Good Health and Physician Decision Making "Can't be Trusted" for Organ Transplants. Elvonda Physicians, in their own words, "gamed the system" for organ transplants and "can't be trusted". To be fair, physic...
By Gusty Thursday, 17 May 2012 AthletiCo Focus on Therapeutic Outcomes FOTO physical therapists Good Health and FOTO and AthletiCo Proudly Show Physical Therapy Outcomes Tool. Elvonda From AthletiCo and Focus on Therapeutic Outcomes (FOTO). This is an excellent demonstration of where all physical therapists are heading - t...
By Gusty 10:51 cut calories healthcare providers obesity physical therapy struggle with obesity The Mathematics of Obesity Good Health and Obesity and Physical Therapy. Elvonda I don't talk a lot about diet with my physical therapy patients. I probably should because Body Mass Index - your weight in kilograms ...
By Gusty Tuesday, 15 May 2012 -KX modifier alternative payment system American Physical Therapy Associations APTA physical therapist PT Journal Severity and Intensity model Good Health and The Severity and Intensity Model for Physical Therapists. Elvonda "I'm sorry, Mrs. Smith, but we can't continue your physical therapy - you've hit your Medicare Cap." "But I'm...
By Gusty 14:20 comparative billing report FCSO First Coast Service Options Medicare Medifest Good Health and MediFest in Florida in June 2012. Elvonda Dear Medicare Part A and B providers: First Coast Service Options (FCSO), your Medicare contractor in Florida, Puerto Rico, and U.S. Virgi...
By Gusty Friday, 11 May 2012 Advanced Registered Nurse Practicioners arnp Institute of Medicine physical therapists physician shortage in America physicians primary care providers scope of practice Good Health and Direct Access to Physical Therapists Can Reduce the Physician Shortage. Elvonda Think physical therapists have it rough because our patients don't have direct access to our services? State laws preventing direct acce...
By Gusty Thursday, 10 May 2012 ACCOUNTABLE CARE ORGANIZATIONS doctor Health Information Management Systems Society HiMSS hospital interoperability stage 7 Good Health and A Tale of Three Hospitals. Elvonda "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times..." So begins a story called A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens. Its a...
By Gusty Tuesday, 8 May 2012 copayments New York Physical Therapy Association NYPTA physical therapy Good Health and Stop High Physical Therapist Copayments in New York. Elvonda The New York Physical Therapy Association (NYPTA) is calling on the state legislature to stop insurance companies from requiring patients to...
By Gusty Sunday, 6 May 2012 cash-pay fisios King of Spain la Crisis physical therapist physical therapy Spain Good Health and Spanish Physical Therapists Solve "la Crisis" by Learning New Skills. Elvonda Spain is experiencing 28% unemployment. In the 20-to-30 year age demographic unemployment is 50%. The Spanish people are in a "crisis...
By Gusty Thursday, 3 May 2012 #SolvePT healthcare fraud Medicare and Medicaid Medicare audits physical therapist Good Health and Can We #SolvePT Medicare Audits Using Data Drilling to Fight Fraud?. Elvonda Excellent webcast describes data-drilling for healthcare fraud by Thompson Reuters and XL Health. Log-in here . Complex, computer driven alg...