By Gusty Monday, 30 April 2012 florida flptpp physical therapists Good Health and Volunteers Needed for Florida Physical Therapists' Committee. Elvonda Florida Physical Therapists in Private Practice (FLPTPP) Call for Volunteers
By Gusty Thursday, 26 April 2012 Good Health and . Elvonda APRIL IS DISTRACTION AWARENESS MONTH! Imagine that you are blindfolded and driving 55 miles per hour. It will take about 4.5 seconds for you...
By Gusty 11:22 Advocacy elderly Incontinence obesity Good Health and . Elvonda CHECK IT OUT - HOT OFF THE PRESSES APRIL 2012!! ? ?? ?? NO MORE PADS, NO MORE DRIPS - TIPS TO ADDRESS AND HELP PREVENT URINARY INCONTINENC...
By Gusty Wednesday, 25 April 2012 mac Medicare appeals Medicare Benefit Policy Manual Medicare Program Integrity Manual physical therapists physician orders physician signatures Good Health and Claims Denials Over Missing MD Signatures May Not Stand Up. Elvonda Physical therapists should consult their Local Coverage Determination (LCD) for Therapy Services for their state ( here is Florida's ) a...
By Gusty Tuesday, 24 April 2012 health care law Medicare medicare advantage physical therapist in private practice Good Health and Medicare Advantage Plan Wastes 8 Billion Dollars. Elvonda A new Office of the Inspector General (OIG) report recommends ending the Medicare Advantage bonus program, saying it will waste the $8.3 bil...
By Gusty Saturday, 21 April 2012 American Physical Therapy Association APTA Clinical Practice Guidelines low back pain Orthopaedic Section Good Health and Low Back Pain guidelines published by Orthopaedic Section of APTA. Elvonda Just published are the Low Back Pain Clinical Practice Guidelines linked to the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and...
By Gusty Tuesday, 17 April 2012 higher copays kentucky New York North Dakota physical therapy physical therapy co-payments Good Health and 20 States Limit Drug CoPayments to Protect Patients. Elvonda According to this FierceHealthPayer article "Insurers increasingly are facing potential legislation that could prevent them from shifti...
By Gusty Friday, 13 April 2012 ACCOUNTABLE CARE ORGANIZATIONS aco cms Medicare Shared Savings Program Good Health and 27 New Medicare Accountable Care Organizations Open April 1st, 2012. Elvonda NEW AFFORDABLE CARE ACT PROGRAM TO IMPROVE CARE, CONTROL MEDICARE COSTS, OFF TO A STRONG START OVER 1.1 MILLION BENEFICIARIES NOW SERVED BY...
By Gusty Thursday, 12 April 2012 florida Florida House of Representatives florida physical therapy association Florida Senate Governor Rick Scott physical therapists Physical Therapists Assistants Good Health and Governor Scott signs Physical Therapist/PTA Temporary License Bill into Law. Elvonda Physical Therapists and Physical Therapists Assistants graduating from Florida based PT and PTA programs will be able to obtain temporary li...
By Gusty Tuesday, 10 April 2012 $1 880 physical therapy cap Center for Medicare Advocacy Improvement Standard Medicare Medicare audit physical therapists skilled physical therapy Good Health and Skilled Physical Therapy Tied to Medicare Improvement Standard. Elvonda Many physical therapists still believe that Medicare will not pay for therapy that does not lead to a change in functional status. This is...
By Gusty Thursday, 5 April 2012 EHR EMR Mobile or handheld computing PHR physical therapist Physical therapists documentation SOAP notes Good Health and Don't Spend Big Bucks on a New EMR... until you read this!. Elvonda This new article, published in Advance for Physical Therapists April 3rd, 2012, shows you the future of Electronic Medical Records (EMR) in ...
By Gusty Wednesday, 4 April 2012 American Physical Therapy Assoication APTA copays patient access physical therapy copays Good Health and South Dakota Passes Patient Protection Law Limiting Physical Therapy Copayments. Elvonda From the American Physical Therapy Assoication (APTA) Press Release : Last week, South Dakota became the latest state to improve consumer pr...